Productive day!

It has been a very productive Saturday so far. I’ve gone to the dentist and got a haircut in the span of about 4 hours. Now I’m looking out the window at the beautiful blue sky and resting up my stomach for my eventual run outside and workout at the gym. I just love the weekends with nothing to do:) I’m going to start with a quick recap of Friday’s eats, then show you the goods so far today. Here we go!



Seeing both Em and Julz rave about Chobani inspired me to pick up a container last weekend at the grocery store. I’ve been waiting all week for the perfect chance to try it out.

Last time I tried plain Greek yogurt, it lacked the sweetness that I crave with so many of my foods. I knew this time I would have to get creative if I wanted to like it – and I did want to like it, because it has really good nutritional value!

And this is what I came up with. At the bottom is the yogurt, topped with 1/2 cup Puffins cereal, 2 tbsp. TJ’s Nutz Over Raspberries & Chocolate trail mix, 1/2 tbsp. hot chocolate powder and 1 tsp. maple syrup.

Overall, a great combination. I will definitely be buying more Greek yogurt.

And of course…


Friday was the last of the new LARABAR reviews! Today’s feature: Pecan Pie.

From the LARABAR site:

“Indulgent, oh, yes, but good for you, too. Natural fuel from pecans, dates and almonds will keep you going for hours. What’s more, pecans contain more antioxidants than any other nut, with 90% unsaturated, polyunsaturated fat. So sit down and enjoy a healthy Pecan Pie.”

This bar definitely does live up to its name. It tastes a lot like pecan pie. Unfortunately, I’m also not a huge fan of pecan pie. Therefore, I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy this flavor. But if you do like pecan pie, you’re pretty much set because it actually has a very similar taste and texture. So by all means go for it!


I had lunch with one of my co-workers today. We went to a soup, salad, sandwich place near my work – sorry, no picture! But I got a really tasty Farmstand Salad with tomatoes, mushrooms and goat cheese, as well as a cup of vegetarian minestrone soup.

As for a snack, I went out with another co-worker for that one. We went to McDonald’s for a quick pick-me-up in the form of a vanilla ice cream cone! I didn’t snap a picture of that either, but we all know what that looks like, right? πŸ˜‰ Delicious eats, for sure.


Bobby and I went to Pita Pete’s for dinner. We got back from work a little later than usual and didn’t feel much like cooking. So of course, that meant we went out for “footballs”

See, I’m not kidding. That pita is monstrous. Luckily, it’s filled with great ingredients. I got mine with chipotle hummus, gyro chicken, black beans, pickles, lettuce, corn, peppers, mushrooms, onions, and salsa.

It was damn good, too πŸ™‚ I didn’t eat all of the pita, but I definitely ate all of the insides.

After dinner, Bobby and I met up with some of his friends to play Mario Kart for Wii. It was so much fun! I love the wheels you stick the game controllers into – it makes it seem like you’re actually driving down the track! We played a game where the winner and loser had to have something to drink. And I pretty much got last place every time, so you can imagine how that went. It was a lot of fun though – definitely something I don’t do very often, so it was nice to let loose and not worry about being completely healthy for a night. We snacked on some wafers filled with caramel that one of the boy’s moms had sent him. They were great!



I woke up not feeling too creative this morning, so I just had a bowl of cereal before heading to my dentist appointment.

I used 1 cup Nature’s Path Puffs, 1/2 cup Puffins, the remains of my TJ’s trail mix, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk.

After my appointment, I made a quick stop at Whole Foods. I didn’t get much, but I know that some of you had requested a grocery picture, so I took one for ya! I’ll have a bigger stash when I go to my regular grocery store later today.

I got Stonyfield After Dark Chocolate frozen yogurt, green and red grapes, Friendship whipped cottage cheese, GUACAMOLE (!!) and shrimp California rolls.


The sushi was actually my lunch πŸ™‚ I saw that they had shrimp instead of crab and thought that sounded pretty much perfect.

I drizzled it with Annie’s Woodstock dressing again. I really like that combination.

I also had a couple handfuls of trail mix:

That’s granola, walnuts, dried blueberries and cranberries with yogurt raisins.

Then I went to get my haircut. I couldn’t wait for that to be over though, because I knew I was going to be getting one of these on the way home:

If you have a Starbucks gift card, you must must must register it TODAY and head out to Starbucks, because they will give you a FREE VIVANNO!! You can just register it by going to their site – it’s easy! I think today is the last day, so get your free drink while ya can! Thanks to Lisa for the tip! Apparently, even if you don’t get the drink today, you should always register your gift cards because you can get some great freebies – refills on coffee, free syrups, etc.

And now here we are. It’s about time I got up and outside! I’m off – bye for now!


  1. Hi,

    First, I just recently had my first Chobani experience. I had the vanilla flavor and I loved everything about it. The day after, I had Stonyfield Farms vanilla and, while still yummy, it was not nearly as filling because of all the protein in Chobani. Love it.

    Second, starting on Monday, my boyfriend and I are going meatless for thirty days. I know you eat meat, but you also go meatless for some snacks and meals, so if you or any of your readers have any suggestions for us, please check out our new blog and leave us a note.

    Thanks and have a great weekend!

  2. Is it wrong to say that the hot chocolate powder looks like sand on top of the cereal?? Haha, sorry :0)

    I like that Larabar flavor; but then again, I also like Pecan Pie, haha.

    That pita DOES look damn good – yum!!

    I PURCHASE THAT SAME BRAND OF ORGANIC GRAPES!!! Haha wow, I think I’m a little too excited about that :0D

    By the way, I had a sweet potato with guacamole for lunch, and I thought of you :0)

  3. Heather ~ What a great new challenge! I checked out your blog and left you some suggestions – good luck!

    VeggieGirl ~ It’s not wrong, it’s accurate πŸ™‚ And you’re definitely not too excited – my heart pretty much skips a beat every time someone tries a product I buy! It’s just the nerdiness (er…coolness?) that comes with being a foodie πŸ˜‰ And I bought the guac, so I am SOO ready to try it with the sweet potato!!

  4. I’m glad you liked the greek yogurt this time around, it’s definitely a staple in my life! I sometimes add maple syrup to sweeten it up a bit but never thought of adding hot chocolate powder–great idea!

    Sometimes we are so alike its scary—it’s just too funny that you had a fun “let-loose” night last night too. You really do need one of those every once in a while. Too bad for me along with alcohol comes the NEED to eat everything in sight, so let’s just say I had a few too many brownies, cake, and some spoonfuls of cin-raisin pb when i got home. It’s not my fault though, it was a brand new jar which needed stirring so I wanted to do the hard work so my family wouldn’t have to. And we all know that the knife gets full of pb in the stirring process and that stuff just can’t go to waste!! ; )

    pita looks AMAZING. As does that trail mix. I love yogurt raisins, but even better are yogurt pretzels! They are my downfall during finals period.

    Enjoy your day and the beautiful weather! I’m about to go do so myself (with my GRE book though, so it won’t be nearly as fun as whatever you’re doing!)

  5. I spend SO much time playing Wii Mario Kart. I never was a huge fan of the old Mario Kart, but now that it has the wheels I’m all about it. Too fun.

    That pita looks wonderful. I wish we had a pita place around town to hit up! For now, I’ll just have to make my own. πŸ˜‰

  6. i had a vivanno today too (but mine was not free)!!! what did you think??

    haha my husband wants that mario kart game! i told him he can get it if i get a wii fit!

    and a pita with CHIPOTLE hummus?!? i may be in love πŸ™‚

    hope you enjoyed the rest of your day!

  7. congrats on the productive Saturday! don’t ya just love those? update: tried the sweet potato, loved it. i can’t believe i never thought to eat a baked one that way, genius! haha okay too much sweet potato talk, if there is such a thing. have a great rest of the weekend! πŸ™‚

  8. I loooove the regular Puffins! I think they are the best out of all of them, the PB ones are too big for me.

    That pita is HUGE! I had one like that at a restaurant once and lemme just say i’m glad there’s doggie bags =) Leftovers are the best

  9. So many things I would love to sample in this post: the Chobani, the Larabar, and most importantly, that Vivanno concoction. Which variety is your favorite?

  10. Sarah ~ I think it’s awesome how alike we are, even if it is a little crazy! I totally laughed about the PB knife – whenever I buy new PB I ALWAYS have to “break it in” by taking of the lid and having a spoonful!

    Fit Bottomed Girls ~ Mario Kart Wii is way better than the original, I totally agree!

    fitnessista ~ I really like the Vivanno! I will definitely get it again and again πŸ™‚ What did you think?

    jenngirl ~ No such thing as too much talk about sweet potatoes πŸ™‚ I’m sooo glad that you liked it!

    Shelby ~ Yes, thank goodness for doggie bags. Although many times I use my stomach as a doggie bag πŸ™‚ I have a bad habit of eating everything on my plate and stuffing myself silly at restaurants!

    Rose ~ Thank you – I LOVE your photography as well, especially that blueberry oatmeal!

    Caroline ~ I like the Banana Chocolate! I haven’t tried the other flavor because I like sticking to what I know, but I’m sure it might be worth a try too!

    Sharon ~ That spoon definitely is my favorite πŸ™‚ I got it at Crate & Barrell for $1! They are still on the website, check it out here.

  11. Jenn- your food today looks awesome! Brown rice roll, amazing pita- wow! I love your blog so much because you show us great ways to eat healthy especially when eating out.

    Glad you enjoyed your weekend!

  12. Anna ~ Thanks for the compliment! πŸ™‚

    Sharon ~ Haha I’m so glad to hear that!! Let me know what you think of ’em if you do order them. They’re tiny, but fun!

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