It was a Dark Knight…

Last night Bobby and I went to see The Dark Knight. There aren’t words to describe just how incredible it was! Everything from the acting to the storyline to the special effects kept me wanting more! It was also great that it was filmed in Chicago because I could pick out some of my favorite places! I absolutely recommend this movie to anyone looking for a thrilling and slightly eerie way to spend 2.5 hours!

Before the movie, we made a fabulous dinner.

Why yes, that IS a huge bowl of goodness! We really pulled out all the stops on this one, and it turned out wonderful. From the left, we have corn and edamame succotash

Followed by some boiled shrimp

And my favorite part of this dish? Annie’s Whole Wheat Shells & White Cheddar topped with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge!

I separated them out because I wanted to enjoy each part of the dish and its individual flavors. Bobby chose to mix it all together, which I’m sure still tasted just as good!

On the side, we had fresh pineapple that I cut myself for the first. time. ever! It turned out juicy and tangy, just the way I like it:) After eating this, I was sufficiently stuffed!

At the movie, I had some candy from the bulk bins at the theater. I love these bulk bins because you get to choose a bit of everything. I had sour gummy worms, gummy bears, and sour watermelon slices. I love candy! I have the biggest sweet tooth ever!

We also went to the grocery store yesterday to stock up on more goodies.

I got egg whites and regular liquid eggs, spinach, Fage and Oikos (on sale!!!), Reddi-Whip, sun-dried tomatoes, almond milk, Jell-O rice pudding, TLC soft-baked bars, SWEET POTATOES!, Jell-O pudding mix (more on that one later!) and raspberries (also on sale!) A pretty nice stash if I do say so myself.

So far this morning, I’ve been treated to a fabulous brunch at Walker Bros. by a friend from school who was in town for the weekend. I’ve posted about this place many times before, but it just never gets old πŸ™‚ I had the oatmeal with bananas, as usual!

I used about 2 tsp. of brown sugar and ate all of the bananas. I just love how creamy these oats are. I’ve never been able to replicate it! Oh well, that’s why going out to eat is such a treat :mrgreen: Ha! I just realized that rhymes. I’m a poet and I didn’t know it. And now I’m just a dork.

I’m off to run some errands! I am slowly but surely catching up on all of the blogs! I’m sorry if I haven’t commented yet this weekend – just know that I will eventually πŸ™‚ Better late than never!

Why am I so full of clichΓ©s today?!?!?!


  1. Danielle ~ Haha, I love how you add “yummm” – I like being cheesy too if it means cheesy in the food sense πŸ™‚

  2. I can’t wait to see that film!!

    PINEAPPLE!! SWEET POTATOES!! BANANA OATMEAL!! Jenn, you and I definitely have similar tastes, haha :0D

    No worries, I’m QUITE cheesy/sarcastic/full of clichΓ©s, so you’re not alone, haha.

  3. I love those new Kashi TLC bars. I have the apple cinnamon ones and they rock. Not too sweet like the nutrigrain cereal bars.

    Also, I’m going to see the Dark knight tonight — can’t wait!

  4. It’s hard to keep up with commenting all the time, especially on weekends, so no worries!

    I want to see Dark Knight SO bad. But I just haven’t had the chance yet! I WILL see it though, i’ve heard nothing but awesome things!

    That dinner looks so great. Laughing cow wedges are amazing. I hardly ever have them (just because I don’t think of it I guess) but then whenever I do I always wonder why they are not in my daily eating rotation.

  5. Thanks for including your shopping trips- they look super successful!

    And I love the succotash- did you put anything on it or just have it plain?

  6. what a great idea to put laughing cow on the mac and cheese—extra cheesy and delicious, i’m sure! I’m so so glad that you like laughing cow–finally i feel like i’m making up for all the great recommendations i’ve gotten from you!

    i’ve actually never tried any of the annie’s pastas– everyone raves about them though!–i think that will have to be added to my to-try list which is constantly growing and never-ending!

  7. VeggieGirl ~ Yes we do have similar tastes, especially considering I always want to gobble up what you bake!! πŸ™‚

    Erica ~ Thank you πŸ™‚

    Kelly T ~ Yes, you HAVE to see that movie. Seriously.

    Fit Bottomed Girls ~ I’m excited to try the TLC bars. Have an AMAZING time at the movie!

    Kristie ~ I have definitely become addicted to Laughing Cow!

    Rose ~ I loved the combo too – I will definitely be making it again sometime!

    Anna ~ No problem! I just had the succotash plain, although I’m sure I could incorporate some sauce next time to liven it up even more!

    Sarah ~ Yes, thank you soo much for introducing me to Laughing Cow. I seriously don’t know why it took me so long to find it! And you HAVE to try Annie’s – put it at the TOP of your to-try list!! πŸ™‚

    Tina ~ Why thank you! πŸ™‚

  8. I was able to identify your Annie’s whole wheat pasta with white cheddar by sight…before I read that’s what it was. Wow! Can you believe that between David and me, we had 6 of those free Vivanno’s during the 2-day special Starbucks had! Between our 2 registered cards and multiple locations between the gym and our house, we enjoyed multiples. We acted all coy like it was the first time we had one each time πŸ™‚

  9. Wowie Jenn! You have done some good eating the last couple of days!! That succotash, SHRIMP (gosh it looks good) and annie’s mac looks delishhhhhh, as does the creamy oats…and your SUSHI…and your PITA (probably the most mouth watering of them all!)…and sheesh! Just too many goodies. I’m excited to hear what you will do with the Jello-pudding. I have a box of chocolate pudding in my pantry that I need to use. I’m also so glad you enjoyed the Chobani. Your mix-ins sound tasty!!

    Have a great evening lady!

  10. what a delicious dinner feast!!! i’ve been wanting to try the annie’s shells. your brunch also looks like it was fabulous.

    i love all the goodies you picked up- i got a huge thing of raspberries, too! that’s one of the best things about summer- produce, on sale, in bulk πŸ™‚

    have a great night!

  11. YUM! Your oatmeal looks straight out of a Bed & Breakfast, I love the presentation.

    I looooooved the Dark Knight also and my dad grew up in Chicago so he was pointing out the places too =)

  12. i’m so jealous you’ve seen that movie…i keep getting invited to see it but always seem to be busy! must make time for it, since so many of your liked it!

    and your succotash looks yummy…i’ll have to try that one day with one of my dinners or something….

    great blogging!

  13. movie? Ill pass (too eerie for me although Step Brothers totally sicked)

    your shrimp dish?! PLEASE TO GET HERE AND MAKE FOR ME STAT

  14. Oooh my what a dinner! You guys have transended beyond typical mac n’ cheese, that’s for sure!

    And it’s been scientifically proven that yummy food brings out the cliche in all of us…

  15. Lisa ~ That is pretty impressive to be able to identify Annie’s like that πŸ˜‰ And I’m really glad you liked the Vivanno so much!

    Em ~ It was a good weekend of eats, that’s for sure! I’m excited to see what I do with the pudding mix, too πŸ™‚

    All Vegged Out ~ Haha! I definitely appreciate the compliment!

    Fitnessista ~ I couldn’t agree more. Produce in bulk is the best summer treat!

    Shelby ~ Yeah Chicago! I’m glad you liked the movie, too πŸ™‚

    Melissa ~ Ahh yes you must must see it next time you get an invitation!

    MizFit ~ Just point me in the right direction and I will make it for ya πŸ˜‰

    Carmen ~ Well if it’s been scientifically proven, I won’t feel guilty anymore πŸ™‚

  16. You weren’t kidding when you said we had the exact same weekend. Dark Knight and candy bins. You really can’t ask for a better night. I really think I need to work on honing my candy bin skills though. I wasted my time on crappy jelly beans when I really should have been going for tastier items like swedish fish and more yogurt covered pretzels!


  17. haha i hadn’t read this post and i was about to comment about how “the grass is greener on the other side”, what you wrote on my wall, is my favorite cliche expression. yes, i have a favorite cliche.

  18. Fitzalan ~ I know what you mean about the bins. It took my a while to get the combination right, but now I’ve got it down to a science πŸ˜‰

    Leigh ~ Haha, I was so happy to read you have a favorite cliche. That makes me feel better because I use them so much!

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