Pre-breakfast breakfast.

Good morning! I was up much earlier than my jet-lagged loved ones, so I decided to make the most of it with a workout + blogging! I grabbed another 1/2 Clif Chocolate Brownie ZBar as my pre-workout snack – I don’t like to workout on an empty stomach but I also get sick if I have too much to eat right beforehand, and the ZBars are the best food I’ve found that meets somewhere in the middle. It seems that what people like/don’t like to eat before their workouts is different for each person – the ZBar is what works for me πŸ™‚

This morning was my arm workout, which I also do twice a week. I started out with 30 minutes on the Stairmaster and 10 minutes on the stationary bike for some cardio, then I did 2 sets of 15 reps each of these exercise machines:

  • Pull up/push up
  • Chest press
  • Row
  • Overhead press
  • Bicep extension
  • Tricep extension

The workout is pretty evenly divided among bicep, tricep, shoulder and chest work so I find it leaves me nice and sore – who knew that could be a good thing, right? πŸ˜‰

My breakfast this morning was smaller than usual because my family and I are going to brunch/lunch after my morning class. I’m super excited because we’re going to Walker Bros., a local restaurant that’s famous for their German pancakes and oven-baked omelettes. My mom and I usually split one of each πŸ™‚

Back to breakfast – I had one Kashi GO LEAN! blueberry waffle. I put PB on half and Dark Chocolate Dreams (yum!) on the other, then sprinkled flax and wheat germ over the top. I also cut up 1/2 a large banana:

The flax and wheat germ really upped the “nuttiness” factor – I will definitely be adding them again!

I couldn’t decide which picture I liked better, so you get to see both πŸ™‚

And after breakfast (of course):

Copycat Alert!

After seeing these on Kath’s blog for many months now, the temptation to buy my own became too great.

They came in the mail yesterday and I couldn’t wait to rip open the box!! They are so cute and they match the plates and bowls I already have, so I figured why not?! It’s a treat to myself that I can literally use over and over again.

I’m off to class and then to spend some quality time with my family. I’ll be sure to take plenty of delicious pictures!

Have a terrific Thursday everyone! πŸ˜€


  1. Sounds like a great morning workout!

    I LOVE how you arranged the banana slices, around the waffles – gorgeous!

    I love those spoons :0)

    Have fun at class; and of COURSE have fun at brunch with your family! :0)

  2. Wait wait, I know Kath has said, but where are the spoons from?

    I feel silly, I’ve tried the stairmaster and don’t really know how to make it work…

  3. Glad you ladies like the banana arrangement πŸ™‚

    Jill – the spoons are from Crate & Barrel – they’re like $1 each. And the Stairmaster definitely takes some getting used too!

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