About Bender

โ€œThe role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.โ€ย  ~Anaรฏs Nin

Since I was a little girl, my family nickname has been Bender. I do not know why or how this nickname came to be, but I do know it originated from my mom, who has always loved calling her children by the wackiest and most nonsensical names imaginable. I also know that it has managed to endure for more than twenty years. Itโ€™s safe to say itโ€™s here to stay!

When I created Eating Bender back in March of 2008, I realized that the word bender also signifies a spree, and so the idea of creating a blog dedicated to โ€œa lifelong healthy living spreeโ€ was born. Bonus points for being able to use it as a pun! (The longer you stick around, the more youโ€™ll realize that my love of puns extends far beyond the word bender.)

More than three years later, Bender has become an even bigger part of who I am. It has also been expanded to include my entire family. Papa Bender is infamous in the kitchen. Mama Bender is an up and coming culinary sensation.

And Baby Bender is the worldโ€™s best brother. Although perhaps โ€œbabyโ€ doesnโ€™t apply anymoreโ€ฆ

No matter how tall he gets, he will always be my baby brother. The video in this post shows why.

The most recent addition to my family is my husband, Bobby. Weโ€™ve been dating since our junior year of high school back in 2003, and were married on October 16, 2010. You can find more about all things wedding here.

Now that youโ€™ve been introduced to the โ€œBenderโ€ clan, hereโ€™s a bit more about my personal journey!

My Background

I graduated from Northwestern University in June 2009 with a degree in broadcast journalism and a minor in business institutions. The first eight months of my professional career were spent at a large public relations agency in Chicago, where I learned the ins and outs of the communications business and grew to realize that agency life was not the best fit for me personally. I wouldnโ€™t trade the experience for the world, especially because it introduced me to my future business partner, Jill. In February 2010, we quit our stable, corporate jobs to start our first business, POP! Social Media.

Crazy? Yes. But was it worth it? Iโ€™d do it again a million times over. If youโ€™re interested in learning more about our entrepreneurial adventures, you can check out my other blog, Pursuing Our Passion.

Iโ€™ve been very fortunate that my work has allowed me to combine three of my biggest passions โ€“ food, health and writing โ€“ into a career. Our clients to date have all had a health and wellness focus, and we are thrilled to work with them.

Over the past year, we have also been hard at work on launching a second business aimed at helping people find happiness (and, subsequently, healthiness) in their jobs. That company is called DreamChamps, and we would love for you to join the revolution.

My Blog

My philosophy about eating and exercise is simple: both are needed to live a satisfying and gratifying life. I am constantly working to listen to my body and eat intuitively, and I work hard to develop new fitness goals so that working out never gets boring!

This blog was created out of a passion for food, nutrition and wellness. It is meant to serve as a place where I can share pieces of my life with you, ranging from food and restaurant reviews to meals, recipes and โ€“ when Iโ€™m not hungry โ€“ fitness and general life ponderings. When Iโ€™m not running two businesses, I am working on my first novel. Needless to say, I like to keep myself busy, and I look forward to sharing more on all of these topics with you!

My goal is to create a gathering of people who can look to each other for answers and advice on anything and everything, whether it be the best way to prepare risotto or the newest bestseller on bookshelves. If you ever have any questions, please donโ€™t hesitate to contact me at eatingbender@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for reading!


  1. Pretty photo!!!!
    I’m a sophomore studying business and I’d also LOVE to combine it with health/nutrition… somehow, haha. good luck with this blog! it looks great so far :))

  2. andrea ~ thank you! we must try to figure out how to combine them – if i think of something i will definitely pass it your way ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I’m a second-semester senior in public relations; so if you girls figure out good opportunities to combine the two, let me know! And quick! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. are you from arizona? (i saw the 480 number on the salad carton from the pizza place, i swear i’m not creepy!) i’m in arizona right now and i graduated last year with a journalism degree and a minor in business. i dabbled in pr also and now i’m trying to get a media job… i think the best way to incorporate your passion for food and nutrition is to keep up with your blog because as far as i know there are no nutrition beats at any newspapers or tv stations but maybe we could start a trend…

  5. Karla ~ Yes! My family moved to Arizona recently ๐Ÿ™‚ It sounds like you and I are a lot alike education and career-wise. Let me know how your job search is going — I’m looking at AZ after I finish school! We should definitely start a nutrition beat trend!

  6. Hi Jenn,

    Love your blog and the blueberry header!

    I just started my own blog and linked yours on my blogroll. Please come check it out when you get a chance!

  7. “My family nickname is Bender. It has been since I was a little girl, and I have no idea why. My mom loves odd nicknames!”

    Perhaps she went to the future and watched an episode of Futurama?

  8. totaltransformation ~ I didn’t realize that my mom was clairvoyant – that opens up a world of new possibilities ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Jenn – I never mentioned this to you, but I wanted to let you know that I graduated with a Journalism degree, and I’m now working in PR (as you know from my blog!)… I am so curious to see how you make out with incorporating nutrition into your writing! Please keep us posted!

  10. Rose ~ Go journalism! I will let you know how the job search goes once it officially begins. Keep your fingers crossed for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Oh man–your quote at the top about eating dinner like a pauper–I tend to eat the opposite way! I just can’t help it! I love big dinners :(Thanks for the “Food for Thought,” though!

  12. Hi,

    I just discovered your blog by way of ZestyCook by way of Kath. It’s great! I am a reader from Chicago (re: the de-lurkification). Looks like you might be an NU student? I am a former/current NU student as well. Thanks for all the great ideas!


  13. I’m getting my science prereqs done at SCS (the night school), so I can apply for PA masters programs. My undergrad was in theatre.

  14. Hey Bender! I absolutely love your blog!! I was just wondering how in the world do you get people to follow your blog?! I have recently started up my own and wondered how you got some blog traffic flowing?! Any tips,hints,etc.? Thanks so much!!

  15. Kelsey ~ Very cool! Nice to “meet” you ๐Ÿ™‚

    CaSaundra ~ Thanks! My best advice for getting readers is to start commenting on other people’s blogs and make sure that when you do you include a link back to your own (like you did in your comment to me). It’s the best way to get your name out there! I’ve also heard that coming up with titles that use key words that are popular Google searches can also help, although I’ve never specifically made an effort to do that because I like coming up with corny titles! Good luck with the new blog!

  16. I found your blog when I linked through for the VitaMix contest (thanks for that by the way!). I love it and will definitely keep reading! Check out mine if you get some time ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Tanya ~ Thanks! I got the mugs from the grocery store, actually. The brand is “Joyce Shelton,” and unfortunately the company doesn’t appear to have a website of their own. If you Google the name, a bunch of mugs come up on eBay, etc. I wish they would get a site already! But I hope that helps.

  17. I just discovered your blog this week and I love it! I can relate to a lot of the things you said about really trying to listen to your body and about getting stuck in a food rut. I look forward to reading more posts.

  18. This has to be the most brilliant “nutrition” website ever! My boyfriend and i have been looking at nutrition blogs recently in hopes to get tips on a healthier lifestyle. he tends to prefer the ny times and similar but i find them to be BORING. your site is upbeat and fun. in one word ingenious! i love your site and will definately be spreading the word… truth be told, i am not even sure how i got here i just stumbled across it and fell in love! Kudos to you, you are a rock star!!

  19. Tram Le ~ I didn’t realize that! Thank you for letting me know ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lindsay S ~ Aw, you’re too sweet! Thank you so much for your kind comment ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad that you and your boyfriend are getting into nutrition! You are a rock star, too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. I’m a senior in college and will be getting my master’s in Health Communication – a great way to combine writing, creativity, and health!

  21. Cool blog- Just found it- congratulations on the good news! I just got married last year, and it was a blast! Can’t wait to keep reading!!

  22. I like what you say about paying attention to your body’s needs and following them intuitively. I totally agree! Your blog is great, and I hope it gets wide exposure. Our society needs voices like yours right now. Thanks!

  23. I was *this close* to going to Northwestern, and we would have been there at the same time!

    On the other hand, then I wouldn’t have met my fiance at UW-Madison…

    But I did really like the Northwestern campus when I visited–so pretty!

  24. Hey Jenn,
    I love your blog and was wondering if you would be cool with me adding to my blog roll? I was also wondering how I could get on yours? Thanks and I look forward to your next post!

  25. Hi Jenn! Just came across your blog and wanted to say hi to a fellow Northwestern Alum ๐Ÿ˜‰ I graduated in 2002 and desperately miss Chicago, but Cali isn’t half bad.
    Have a great day!

    • Hi Shanna! It’s always nice to see a fellow NU alum who has a food blog! I’m sure that Cali isn’t half bad ๐Ÿ˜‰ But if you ever do make it back to Chicago, we’ll have to get together! I see you’re a wedding consultant, too – mine is officially four months away today. Time is flying!

      Talk to you soon! Thanks for saying hi ๐Ÿ™‚


  26. Hi Jenn,

    I’m a huge fan of your blog (especially the name) and find myself spending way too much time here than I should when I have work to do–there’s so much interesting stuff to read! Like you, I tend to eat the same things everyday and really enjoy your recipes (especially when I actually end up making them!) Anyways, after writing an ebook about losing weight after college called ‘Cute and Skinny’ and reading yours and other great healthy eating/living blogs, I’ve been inspired to start my own! Keep up the great work, Jenn!


    • Hi Jessica!

      Thank you so much for the sweet comment. Congratulations on your e-book – that is phenomenal news! I’m going to check out your blog now. Look forward to reading and keeping in touch!


  27. Great blog! I just found it but I am looking forward to reading some more. (You may be getting a chain of comments from me as I look through it.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. I stumbled upon your blog while looking for some healthy resources. I’m not sure photos of beer, ice cream and ricotta and chocolate chip-filled fried brioches will provide much inspiration, however! Maybe you should re-categorize yourself as a food blogger rather than health and wellness? This is just a thought and observation from a non-blogger.

    • Thanks for the feedback, Jill! While I respect your opinion, I’m going to have to politely disagree. I’ve never claimed to be a “health and wellness blogger.” I’m just a girl who loves food – and strives to balance eating healthy, whole foods while managing to enjoy a bit of the not-so-good-for you stuff, too. I’ve never claimed to be perfect at this balance, and since I don’t blog what I eat every day, it may appear sometimes that I’m eating more “beer and junk” than not.

      But just because my most recent posts include beer, ice cream and dessert does not mean I am not focused on living my healthiest and best life. I come from the mindset that no food is off limits and I hope that comes through in what I share with my readers.

      My above mission states that this blog is,”meant to serve as a place where I can share pieces of my life with you, ranging from food and restaurant reviews to meals, recipes and โ€“ when Iโ€™m not hungry โ€“ fitness and general life ponderings.”

      I think I have achieved this and am not looking to put myself into any one category. But I very much appreciate your insight and thank you for stopping by!


    • I guess I just misunderstood the phrase “This blog was created out of a passion for food, nutrition and wellness.”

      Not the first time things have been misinterpreted on the internet!

      • No worries! That line is definitely true – it’s why I started writing in the first place three years ago. ๐Ÿ™‚ But I certainly can see your point of view and appreciate the feedback – truly!

  29. […] This story really begins a little more than a year ago, when I received a care package from my mom. I can’t remember everything that was in it, but I do remember thinking that it was a genius idea to send comfort to a girl who had just left her steady job and had no idea when she would see her next paycheck. As I have been declaring publicly for almost three years now, food always brings a smile to my face. […]

  30. I love your blog concept! I just graduated in 2010 and went kind of along the same path as you into marketing. I love writing and have gotten really into baking. Look forward to keeping up with your posts!!

  31. You are such a driven and inspiring little lady… I totally respect that. Your philosophy on food, life, wellness, and balance are definitely summed up in a perfect little package that I agree with 100 percent. I can’t wait to read through all your recipes. Book-marking ๐Ÿ™‚


  32. Hey girl! From one fellow Cheesehead to another, I had to stop by and show some love! Speaking of love, I LOVE your blog hun and can’t wait to read more ๐Ÿ™‚

    • YAY Cheeseheads! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hi, Wendi. I can’t wait to check out your blog now, as well! Go Pack. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Wow, thank you so much, Katie! I am truly honored. You made my weekend with your kind words about me and my blog. Seriouslyโ€ฆthank you, thank you, thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you, Katie – I’m so excited you stopped by! Can’t wait to check out your blog, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this site. It’s simple, yet effective.
    A lot of times it’s hard to get that “perfect balance” between usability and appearance. I must say you’ve done a great job with this.

    In addition, the blog loads extremely fast for me on Chrome.

    Exceptional Blog!

  34. Love the blog. I have a similar passion for a healthy lifestyle with nutrition and fitness and love finding others with the same ideals. Also love finding other blogs I can share exercises from and try their recipes! Keep it up!


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