Sunday sunshine.

Good morning! I woke up to blue skies + sunshine peeking through my window šŸ˜€

I went for an early morning workout to the gym – 45 minutes on the elliptical. My roomie and I are planning to go on a short run later this afternoon to breathe in some of this crisp spring air. Before my workout, I had 1/2 of a Clif Chocolate Brownie ZBar:

After working out, my roomie and I did some grocery shopping and I came back and did some work on my two papers. I’m pleased to report they are coming along well šŸ™‚ I don’t have pictures from this grocery trip but will keep that in mind for the future – I did get some baking supplies that I hope to make use of soon šŸ˜‰

As if I haven’t had enough fun meals out this week, my roomie and I went out to brunch at Walker Bros. with another NNN all-star named Jen (with one N)! Honestly, there are so many options I could go there every day if I had the time/money! Today I decided on oatmeal with bananas and brown sugar:

Best. Oatmeal. EVER. It’s better than anything I’ve ever made, and I think I do a pretty decent job!!

I wish I could put my finger on what makes this oatmeal so much different from the kind I make at home. It has less of a “liquid” consistency, so I think I’ll try making my oats with less water next time to see what happens. Gosh it’s good! I also had a scrambled egg white and a small glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.

I must return to the papers now – though finding ways to distract myself is fun, it’s not very productive šŸ™‚

Until next time!


  1. Good afternoon, haha. Sounds like you’ve had a great day so far!

    WOW that oatmeal looks spectacular – I loooove thick oatmeal, and always make my bowl that way (hate that “liquid consistency” – I bet that that IS what made your bowl so delectable/perfect).

    Best of luck on the papers!! Haha yes, it IS fun procrastinating on the internet; but not so good when you’re trying to get work done ;0)

  2. Went to Walker Bros. again, eh? Sounds good! Get to work on those papers – oh niece of mine!!

  3. The oatmeal looks delicious!
    How did you make it? What ratio of oats to water did you use?

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