
When life gets crazy, there’s nothing I like more than to go on a Guest Bender. 🙂 On this page you’ll find links to guest blog posts from amazing food, health and lifestyle bloggers who have contributed new and fantastic content for Eating Bender.

Want to submit a guest post or idea? Email me at!





  1. Recently, I went to my neighborhood grocery in West Seattle and was delighted to find vendors sharing cheese from all around the world., Gayea’s Great Demos was sharing Sartori Bellavitano Cheeses from Plymouth Wisconsin. The cheese was excellent, and the demonstrators were really knowledgeable about Wisconsin cheese. They had creamy award winning cheeses and in Wisconsin tradition, they had a list of beer pairings. In Seattle tradition, they had wines and espresso pairings. The customers loved the Sartori cheeses. Gayea is a new local food demonstration company.

  2. Hi,
    Here is Owen Hyde, I’m very interested in guest posting at your sites/ blogs.
    I discovered you by your site. I have gone through your site. I was really impressed and wanted to get involved. i am having a unique content for ” Grocery store” to share as a guest post. I am mailing you my few ideas which you might be enjoyed.
    My title is “Easy grocery shopping and saving money at Peapod.” Peapod provides seafood, bakery items, fruits, vegetables, beverages, breakfast food with discounts and free shipping services. They provide various coupons like Discount Coupons, Promo/Promotional Coupons with their codes.
    I kindly request you to reply me. Let me know what you think, I hope all is well.
    With Thanks and the best regards,
    Owen Hyde.

  3. I’m interested in doing some guest posts for you. I manage dozens of articles –hundreds actually– which are well-written and edited, and think I’d be able to provide a number of pieces perfect for your site and audience.

    You’ve worked with my company — Words for Less– in the past, and I’d love to add a new relationship with you to strengthen our connection to your site.

    If you’re interested in receiving free, relevant content, I’d be more than happy to discuss ideas and topics you might be interested in, or I can simply handpick articles I think will be a great fit for your site.

    Let me know what you think.


    Jon Harthun

  4. Hi Team eatingbender,

    This is Laura Brown, I see that you are accepting guest posts on your blog- and I would like to contribute an article if you are still open to the idea.

    I assure you that the article is a quality one. If you are interested, please allow me to send it for review or guide me how to proceed. If in case you want to see the article’s idea first, I am more than happy to do that.

    Awaiting your response.


  5. I had put on more than just a few pounds in recent years, and when my doctor talked to me about weight gain, cholesterol, and fat, I knew I had to do something different. We talked about the various diet plans I had tried (which did NOT work), and he told me that even though my efforts and intentions were good, I was on the wrong road to healthy eating. I then asked him if he had any ideas and he talked to me about the “Paleo Diet.”
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