Getting there.

Good morning! It’s another blue sky day here in Chicago, and temperatures are expected to be in the 70s! Spring may be my favorite season, but I have to admit there’s something to be said about old man winter – he makes me appreciate the change of seasons even more 🙂

I woke up early this morning for an invigorating workout at the gym – 30 minutes Stairmaster, 10 minutes stationary bike and my leg workout. I snacked on – you guessed it – 1/2 of a Clif Chocolate Brownie ZBar pre-workout.

Same oats + less liquid = less volume

For breakfast this morning, I attempted to mimic the Walker Bros. oatmeal by adding less liquid to my normal oatmeal concoction. I didn’t quite get the same effect, but it was definitely more of a solid.

It’s kind of hard to tell from the picture. I added whipped banana, flax, wheat germ, maple syrup and Bear Naked High Sierra trail mix. It was lovely as per usual, but (obviously) by adding less liquid, I found there to be a lot less volume. I think maybe I need less liquid + more oats to get the same amount of fullness and achieve the true Walker Bros. effect. I guess this probably seems like common sense 😉

After breakfast, I enjoyed my usual cup of Coffee Cocoa.

I love this mug – it was a gift from my mom. Here is the other side of it:

Do you think she’s trying to tell me something? 😉

I’m off to class – see you for lunch! 🙂


  1. Your oatmeal looks incredible – yum! Yeah, definitely try adding more oats/less water.

    Cute mug!! Haha, perhaps your mom IS trying to tell you something ;0)

    Have fun at class; and enjoy Earth Day! :0)

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