Galor-ious Goodies!

I’m glad you all are up for a P90X video recap 🙂 I figured it would be a nice way to show you some of the program that you might not see on the infomercial. I’m making it this weekend, so stay tuned!

This morning I finally listened to my body, which has been screaming at me to sleep in all week long. With all that has been going on, I’ve been feeling the “pressure” – self-inflicted, of course – to wake up early and get my workout in, regardless of the time I went to bed the night before. But when the alarm clock went off this morning, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I was actually quite proud of myself for resetting the clock for three hours later! Yes, three. When I sleep in, I sleep in.

It’s been a week of new products, and I am really enjoying all of them. The first is one that I’m a little behind on: Kerrygold Dubliner. I received a coupon for Kerrygold products as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program a while back and finally picked up some cheese. By the way, congrats to Foodbuzz on officially passing the 2,000 Featured Publisher food bloggers mark and becoming the 3rd largest food property online!


I had a serving of the cheese alongside a serving of Kashi crackers and some Progresso Southwestern-Style Vegetable soup for lunch today.


The cheese had a very distinct, strong taste. I’d relate it to cheddar, but there is also something about it that makes it its “own” Dubliner cheese, if that makes sense. Unlike any other I’ve ever tried. I really liked the flavor and would say it’s one of those cheeses that you could actually taste if you put it on a sandwich. Two thumbs up!

Another batch of new products comes courtesy of Katie from Sonoma Crisps.


These crunchy snacks contain high-quality fruit from California and Washington, and are baked slowly to preserve natural flavor. They are fat-free, natural, high in fiber and low in calories. So far, I’ve tried the Apple Sticks Cinnamon.


I loved the way they looked like dried fries 🙂


(Don’t mind the cuticles. I just clipped my nails!)

The taste was great! It had the sweetness of apple with just a hint of cinnamon. The small bag was actually quite voluminous – there were a lot of “fries” in there! All for only 70 calories, these make a great nighttime snack. Next time, I might try adding some almond milk and letting them get slightly mushy like cereal 🙂 I think that would be good! Thanks, Katie.

Last but certainly not least, I was jumping up and down yesterday when this landed on my doorstep:


A couple of weeks ago, Karen from To Be the Whole Package posted a tweet that said she had an extra copy of Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a blogger exchange. I jumped at the opportunity because I thought it was a very creative way to get my hands on the DVD that everyone has been talking about (I want to compare it to P90X!) Plus, I got to send her something, too! She lives in Canada, so this was my first international exchange!


She really “delivered” 😉 Not only did I get the DVD, I also got some great Canadian goodies, including Maple Butter, Nature bars, peanut butter cups, a white chocolate maple leaf and a super cute polka dot bowl. Plus a very sweet card – thank you so much, Karen! This was such a great idea!

I dug into some of the white chocolate maple leaf this afternoon.


It was everything white chocolate should be!

I was just drinking a Kombucha and remembered that Bobby tried his first sip yesterday. Then I saw this hilarious video from Gina + The Pilot 🙂 Let’s just say Bobby did not take another sip and looked at me like I was insane. Oh well, can’t win ’em all.

I hope everyone enjoys the first day of May. I’m kind of partial to this month. In fact, it’s my favorite. Let’s just say a certain someone will be turning the big 2-2 on the 9th! Sorry, I can’t contain my excitement 😉




  1. What a fun exchange!! When Krista and I did ours, I got some of those bars, and lets just say you won’t be disappointed! I’m also jealous you got the Kerrygold coupons… I wanted them so badly!

    I can’t wait to see your smiling face (or sweating face?) In the video 🙂 OH, and we should probably plan a celebratory dinner/activity somethingorother for your and a certain someone else’s birthday soon!!!

  2. Look at all those goodies!! Thanks for the reviews…those dried fruit “fries” look especially delicious!

    And…I LOVE LOVE LOVE maple butter. I bet it’s even better from Canada!

    Have a great night!

  3. Your post about sleeping in is just what I needed to hear. So smart to listen to your body. That is exactly what will keep you free from injury and working out until your 100 years old!

  4. Apparently I need to get myself on the Twitter bandwagon – I could have scored a Shred video! Looks like a great package from the Great White North 😀

  5. Happy Early Birthday! Taurus’s rule the world. I’ll be 31 on the 2nd! I feel about 91, though. Thanks for your sweet comments, as always!

    Enjoy the Shred. Jillian’s one tough mutha.

  6. good job listening to your body—I really need to do that soon because I am getting BURNT OUT. I just got the assignment for my take-home final that is due Monday, and let’s just say I don’t think I’m going to be leaving the library until then.

    What a great exchange! I’ve really been wanting to try the Shred but I’m going to wait until I go home because there is literally no space in my room here for me to do it! I can’t wait to hear what you think!

  7. Funny, Jen: I had the same kind of listening to my body moment yesterday! Totally had to sleep in. Hope you feel as rested as I did 🙂

  8. I’m glad you finally let yourself sleep in Jenn, you definitely deserved it!

    That soup lunch with the cheese & crackers sounds so delicious right now…..except for the fact i’m living in 90 degree weather right now! haha!

    And the white chocolate leaf looks amazing too, such delicious foods! Thanks for the review, can’t wait to see how you like the apple sticks in milk….that’s such a good idea! 🙂 Happy B-day Month!

  9. hey! i just found your blog and i love all your eats!!! i hope you don’t mind me adding you to my reader =) i can’t wait to read more! have a fantasticcc friday!

  10. So many exciting things in this post!
    First, I must know, what variety of Kashis are those–they look a little different from the Honey Sesame and Original varieties that I have tried.
    Those apple crisps look so delicious and fun to eat! Due to their fry-like shape, I might try dipping them in something…PB, perhaps?

    Happy early birthday!!

  11. haha- that last story made me laugh. I had a similar experience. After raving about kombucha my bf took a big swig… followed by the ‘you are insane’ look.

  12. Wow – it must have felt like your birthday getting all the great gifts/mail! Thanks for the sonoma crisps review – must try!

  13. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! I believe in birthday weeks, so a little over a week ahead of time isn’t bad.

    Mmm that cheese looks really good right now. Why am I hungry at 2am? I don’t even have the drunchies (drunk munchies).

    I’d eat those apple snacks all the time! I must find them!

    I can’t wait for the video! It will be delightful I’m sure. Have a great weekend, lovebug! 🙂

  14. Good for you for sleeping in- I’m super jealous. My body and mind needs some extra rest! Those apple sticks sound great- especially because they’re cinnamon flavored! Where can you buy that product normally? WFs?? I need to try them! Have a good Friday

  15. such a great blogger exchange, I got a package from Karen yesterday too and got the maple butter! I can’t wait to see how you’ll use it! 😀

  16. bahaha! tgi May is right!!!

    and I love how your cheese and cracker is always so purty.

    yay for blogger exhanges. yay for sleeping in!!

  17. I think I’m a part of the Tastemaker’s Program but they never send anything to the UK! If you are interesting in doing another intrnational exchange (hint hint), just let me know! 😉

  18. I don’t think I could even swallow the kombucha. It was on sale at Whole Foods this week and I still couldn’t bring myself to do it!

    I am looking forward to your video. Show us your guns!!!!

  19. I <3 Progresso soup!!! And those Sonoma crisps look like that would make a fantastic snack!

    Hope you enjoy your Canadian treats!!!

  20. Ooo fun package! The white chocolate maple leaf looks a.mazing. As a kid, I went on family vacations to Nova Scotia, and we always picked up maple sugar leaves – love ’em!

  21. May 9th is mi hermano’s birthday! Must be a good day 🙂

    What a great box. How fun is it getting new goodies?

    And I totally slept in yesterday (and today!) too! Sometimes sleep is even better than a workout!

  22. Lovely goodies, and I so hear you on the TGI May!! I have been waiting for this month for so long!
    Surprisingly, my boyfriend willingly buys and drinks Kombucha. He’ll eat ANYTHING. From steak to sprouts 🙂

  23. YAY for 1987 babies 😀 Best year ever in my humble opinion! Those chunks of cheese look amazing! Also, two fun packages!! Edible mail is the best kind of mail (certainly beats bills 😉 )!

    Hope you have a fantastic Friday!!

  24. Good for you for listening to your body this AM! That can be so hard to do sometimes. Your mail looks amazing… I am so envious. I want fun foodie packages 🙁

  25. yay for product reviews and bloggie exchange! i bet those things are going to taste amazing!

    and yay for 22 soon!!!! birthday fun to progress!

  26. Happy early birthday! All my best friends throughout my life have been Taurus’! I have been wanting to try that cheese after seeing everyone else eating it on the blogs because I went to Ireland over xmas and am obsessed with anything to that decent!

    Have a good weekend!!

  27. Love all the Canadian goodies 🙂 I definitely want to hear what you think about the similarities and differences between Jillian and P90x! Way to sleep in by the way – that’s my kinda life 🙂

  28. Jenn!
    I must find those dried apples sticks. Sounds like they would a perfect crunchy addition to oats and salads.

    My Dad grew up on the Canadian border and LOVES maple butter. That reminds me I should order him some for Father’s Day.

    I’m anxious to hear what you think about the Shred DVD. I did Level 1 before pulling my hamstring in yoga, and have not done it again since. My advice…do NOT start out with 8 pound dumbbells. I could not bend my arms the next day…not good for a massage therapist. 🙂

    So glad you had a wonderful time at home last weekend, and would you mind emailing me your address? Birthday goodies are in order! 🙂

  29. you make me want to shred! i’m way excited for your p90x recap 😀
    so glad you relaxed a little and slept in- i slept until 930 this morning and it was AMAZING
    thanks for the shout out 😀 it’s funny that bobby wasn’t a fan
    have a great day!

  30. I am sooo with you on the sushi – I LOVE sushi! I bought the bamboo wrap to make my own so hopefully my next attempt will go better. Awesome eats!

  31. TGI may indeed. im curious about the shred too…after the huge craze in the blogger world it certainly seems to be a successful program.

  32. Although I didn’t get a chance to comment I did check in and read this post during my Whistler trip!!!!

    I was sooooooo excited that the package arrived and that you loved everything! I hope you like the bars in particular – the company is owned by a high school classmate’s family. For now they only sell the bars in Canada but maybe that will change in the future! 😉

    I won’t be able to go to the PO Box until Tuesday but I’m just DYING to see what you sent! lol Yaaaaayyy for blogger exchanges!!!!!!! 🙂

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