Food for Thought: Return of the Food Journal On Fridays?!

As most of you know, eating bender has undergone some big changes in the last month. I’ve committed to a new daily schedule that has turned out to be a lot of fun for me. Most importantly, I hope you all have enjoyed the new features, too!

That said, I sometimes find myself missing the good ol’ food journal that this blog was founded on. I sort of get the feeling that I’ve unintentionally abandoned my roots 😳 As a result, I’ve decided that one day a week, I want to return to the food journal and post my day’s eats.

In looking over the blogging schedule, the one day that stood out to me was Friday’s Food for Thought. Although it can sometimes be an interesting post to write, I definitely think that featuring one food per week will get old after a while, especially when I start running out of foods to feature πŸ˜‰ So I’m going to bid adieu to this weekly feature, and instead replace it with Friday’s Food Journal.

I hope that this change will be a welcome one. If you could please let me know what your opinion is in the comment section, I would greatly appreciate it!

And now, onto the food!


Friday, September 5, 2008

I didn’t feel so hot upon waking up this morning. I think I’ve been getting a little too much sun exposure in AZ. I’m not sunburned by any means, but I just feel extra tired and a little “burnt” out from being outside so many hours of the day. Of course, there is one way to fix that problem…

Coffee Cocoa! Aw, come on – you KNOW you’ve missed seeing this mug! Ok, maybe you haven’t missed it – but I can pretend!! Anywho, the mug did it’s job of making me feel more awake. It’s not so much the caffeine (unfortunately, caffeine has little effect on me) as it is the process of sipping a warm, delicious drink first thing in the morning that makes me feel more refreshed.

After sipping, checking emails and reading blogs, I made myself a nice bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

I wasn’t in the mood to do stove top oats so I used a packet of instant oatmeal instead – Quaker Raisins & Spice. I combined the packet with 1/2 cup water and microwaved for 1:30, then stirred in about 2 tbsp. of unsweetened chocolate almond milk, since the oats were looking a bit dry.

I topped the oatmeal with 1 tbsp. shredded sweetened coconut (I am LOVING this lately!) and a mystery ingredient that you will hear about in tomorrow’s Review post!! I’m sure from the picture you have an idea of what it might be, but for now, I’ll just say that this combination was very yummy!

I spent the morning being lazy around the house. Some days I really enjoy not having anything to do, and today was one of those days. I caught up on blog reading, worked on my own blog and started reading the second book in Stephenie Meyer’s hit series: New Moon.

Honestly, these books are amazing so far. My dad had heard about them and since the author is from AZ, I thought I’d give her a chance. Well, I read the first one, Twilight, in 3 days! Why can’t 500 pages of a textbook read that quickly, huh?

There are four books in the Twilight Series. Basically, it’s a fantasy book about vampires πŸ™‚ Ok, I know what you’re thinking, and I was definitely skeptical about how much I would enjoy these at first, but I should have known better. I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan, so the fantasy aspect of these books was more than appealing! I highly recommend it, especially for those Harry Potter fans mourning the end of the series.

Trying to find a transition from drinking blood to my lunch is proving quite difficult…

So I’ll just get to the point πŸ™‚ All that reading and intellectual activity (Ha!) made me hungry! So I made myself a great lunch, starting out with an Ezekiel English muffin spread with Laughing Cow cheese and oven-baked deli turkey.

On the side, I had a bowl of fresh blueraspberries.

The flowers in the background are courtesy of Bobby. He’s coming to visit for a week – yay! – and sent these to my family as a thank you. Sweet.

And to cap off my craving for sweetness, I had the last of our batch of pluots. Still amazingly juicy and sweet – I hope I can find them this good again!!

I spent the rest of the day reading more of my book – I told you, I’m obsessed! – and headed to the gym when my brother got home from school. Before I went, I had 1/2 a Clif Chocolate Brownie ZBaR.

My dad, brother and I got in a nice workout and then came back to have a fantastic dinner. Seriously, the best dinner my dad has EVER made – and that’s saying something because he’s a great cook!

These were lightly breaded scallops with curry sauce and steamed veggies. The scallops were the main event – my dad rolled the individual pieces in a flour and bread crumb mixture and cooked them in a pan on the stove top with a little Smart Balance, cooking spray and 1/4 cup of lime juice. The lime juice brought out an incredible flavor in the scallops as it permeated through the lightly breaded coating.

The curry sauce was made with a combination of melted Smart Balance, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 tsp. dill and a finely chopped green onion. My dad also added a little water because it came out slightly thick at first.

On the side was steamed asparagus, broccoli and zucchini. I added the curry sauce to these, too, because it was just so darn good!

After dinner, I had an extra special treat: mellocreme pumpkins!!

I got so excited after seeing these over at Heather Bakes. They are super sugary, but to me they go with Halloween like jelly beans at Easter. And yes, I’m aware it’s still September πŸ™‚ What can I say? I start early.

Now I’m doing some blog reading and responding to comments. I’ll probably hit the book again before I go to bed…I’m already half way through it and I just started it this morning – aahh must slow down!!

Sweet dreams, everyone. Have a wonderful weekend πŸ™‚


  1. Hi, I love your blog and I like the idea of a Friday food blog post! I also like your experiment about the thinking/hunger correlation and so far I am finding that I am far hungrier from thinking and sitting activities rather than physical ones… so strange! Anyways, I was wondering if you’ve seen the commercials for the or have checked out their website. It’s like propaganda for high fructose corn syrup and I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on it. Thanks and keep up the awesome blogging!

    Ashley ~ Thanks so much for reading πŸ™‚ I actually have seen those commercial ads after hearing about them from another blogger, Heather at HangryPants! I seriously couldn’t stop laughing when I was watching those videos – I definitely agree that it’s total propaganda! Perhaps what they’re saying is technically true in some way, but in my opinion, once something has been proven to have negative health consequences, it’s hard to change my mind or convince me otherwise!

  2. YAY! I missed the food journal a little bit too! I’m excited to see one day a week. I know I said I would tone my down…but I really don’t know what to do with my blog.Bleh! Anyways…perhaps you know you are going out to eat another day of the week…then maybe you could switch it up sometimes and not always have it Friday? I really don’t think anyone is going to object to foodie pics on another day! And that way you have some flexibility.

    Once again, another PICTURE PERFECT post from Bender. And go Daddy Bender for that dinner! Makes my mouth drool!!

    Have a great weekend!!!!!! πŸ™‚

    glidingcalm ~ I do like the flexibility! And I actually think the journal is more relaxing than what I’m doing now!

  3. Your pictures are amazing. Love the oatmeal. It has me drooling! How sweet…the flowers are beautiful! Wonderful post full of yumminess, especially those cute little pumpkins. I can’t resist those!

    Megan ~ Thanks! And I can’t resist the pumpkins, either πŸ™‚

  4. Yay! Though I am loving the other features of your blog, I do love food journals too πŸ™‚

    And as far as that mystery ingredient, I am dying to know what it is!

    Christie I ~
    Thanks for your feedback! And I will post the secret ingredient tomorrow!

  5. yay for food journals! when food is as pretty as yours, its worth it to see all the pictures! those scallops look divine, and your oatmeal bowl is to cute… BUT the best part of all?! those pumpkins!! i cant believe its already fall again πŸ˜€

    caitlin (see bride run) ~ Thanks so much!!

  6. Pumpkins and vampire books- that’s a pretty awesome combo πŸ™‚

    I wish my dad could cook like that!!! Those scallops look amazing. I’m definitely going to have to try that curry sauce.

    HeatherBakes ~ Hehe, I’ll say – I seriously can’t put the dang book down!

  7. I like the Friday’s Food Journal feature, my friend!!

    Okay, WHERE did you purchase that oatmeal bowl?!?!?! The shape is too fun!! πŸ˜€

    Is the mystery ingredient Barney Butter or Justin’s Nut Butter?? It looks like a squeezable nut-butter on top of your oatmeal πŸ˜‰

    I’m so intrigued by that Twilight book series!!

    Flowers from Bobby = so lovely!

    In addition to the oatmeal, I must give a shout-out to the bowl of fresh blueberries & raspberries, pluot, steamed vegetables, and the mellocreme pumpkins (those candies bring back memories! haha).

    VeggieGirl ~ I got it at World Market! It’s great for instant oats because the handle doesn’t get hot! And you are too smart…great guess on the mystery ingredient!

  8. I like your idea of turning Friday into Food journal day. I was missing your Starbucks cup full of morning coffee. πŸ™‚ Your friday eats looked delicious and what a sweet thank you gift of flowers… i love flowers!

    I am totally with you on getting addicted to books.. I was a late bloomer with Harry Potter. I just finished the last book this year!

    Have a great weekend!

    Brittany ~
    Glad someone missed the coffee πŸ˜‰

  9. i think Friday food journal is a great idea! i’ve always loved your food journals because the pictures are always amazing (umm, as in i want to print that picture of the berries and hang it on my wall!) and you come up with such interesting combinations. Also, since we have such similar tastes in food, I get really great meal ideas from you!

    I totally know what you mean about missing the daily food blogging. since i stopped : ( I have DEFINITELY felt like something is missing. There have been many occasions where I’ve plated my food and stopped to take a picture before eating, then realizing that I’m not doing that anymore. It really does make me sad, I miss it a lot, and part of me is thinking about *maybe* starting up again?!

    i will definitely pick up that series as soon as I get a free second! (but prob not till thanksgiving….it will be good airport reading!) you know how much I LOVE harry potter, so if you say it’s good—I’ll go for it!

    Sarah ~ Haha I’ve been so back and forth on this that I’ve been driving myself crazy! Thank you so much for your comments – and I really do hope you start it up again!

  10. Yayyyyyyy! I missed this too much! I love your daily eats and yes I did miss the coffee cocoa pictures! duhhh!

    The flowers from bobby are very sweet!

    Dinner looks great. I’ve only made scallops once, I need to make them again!

    Erica ~ Aw, so glad you actually did miss the coffee cocoa!! Haha πŸ™‚

  11. oh my goodness- your dad IS an amazing cook… i can see where you get it, now πŸ˜‰ those scallops look WONDERFUL!
    ahhh i love those little pumpkins… almost as much as i love candy corn! i need to “start early”, too πŸ˜€
    i’m way excited to find out what that spread is that seems to be some kind of nut butter…
    on winter break, i definitely want to read that series- as a huge harry potter fan, i’ve been waiting for something to fill the void and have heard so many good things about those books. i’m glad you’re enjoying them!
    hope you have an amazing saturday!!

    gina (fitnessista) ~ Haha, I WISH I was as good as him πŸ™‚ And bring on the candy corn!

  12. i love this idea, jenn!! i would look forward to seeing some “blogging” in the original sense on fridays! i already loved this post – your bowl for oatmeal is too cool! – and i am completely jealous of those scallops. i adore them, and they look fabulous!! give me one please!

    wholefoodswholeme ~ Thanks so much for your comment! I wish I could send some scallops your way πŸ˜‰

  13. I’ve heard great things about the Twilight series. I’ve been meaning to check it out.

    I like having one day of food journal. We’re all interested on what you’re grubbing! πŸ™‚

    Fit Bottomed Girls ~ Do check it out – holy moly I am obsessed!

  14. Yay for the return of the food journal! I liked the food features–but I also like the food posts a lot πŸ˜€

    That’s such a pretty picture of the oatmeal–Gorgeous lighting!
    And I’m guessing the secret ingredient is either farina or cornmeal? πŸ˜›

    And I’ve started reading those Stephanie Meyer books too! I’m still on the first book, and I like the basic idea, but I find the main character way too whiny and inconsiderate towards her human friends πŸ™ I’m hoping it gets better further into the story?

    oatmeal ~ Thanks! And you’ll have to wait and see on the secret ingredient…but I’m glad to find another Stephenie Meyer reader! Yes, sometimes the main character is pretty whiny…but it does get better!

  15. OH. MY. GOSH. I am OBSESSED with the Twilight series!! Such a wonderful series!!

    Also, I like the fact that you are going back to your “roots” and including a good ‘ole food blog on Fridays, definitely a well-rounded blog in my opinion!! πŸ™‚

    jenngirl ~
    Yay! I’m so glad you like them, too!! And thanks for your feedback on the blogging πŸ™‚

  16. sounds like you’ve got a winner of a dad πŸ™‚ mine likes to eat whatever I cook I’ll give him that!!

    i was at target the other day and saw two new kinds of hershey’s kisses: candy corn and pumpkin creme. I almost bought them b/c i was dumbfounded as to what they’d taste like… but i decided it wasn’t the best purchase πŸ™‚

    ttfn300 ~ Hm, interesting! I’ve never heard of those kisses, but they sound yummy!

  17. I am glad there will be one day of the food journaling format. It’s always an interesting read.

    I guess it’s a good thin that I never cared for those pumpkins or candy corn.


    hangrypants ~ Well, there might be more than one day now, haha…but yeah, maybe it is a good thing you never liked those treats!

  18. YAY!
    I have totally missed your food journal posts. Like everyone else already mentioned, your pictures are gorgeous. And your posts are just so fun. This is a great idea. THANK YOU for bringing it back one day a week!

    Erin ~ Honestly, I’ve missed it too – so I think it might be more than one day!

  19. Yay, I’m so excited that you are going to include a food journal post during the week! I love your new features, but really missed seeing all your eats because the photos of your meals are always so gorgeous!

    Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food) ~ Thanks so much for your feedback!

  20. Oh my god- I am obsessed with those pumpkin candies. THey are absolutely amazing. I don’t think there is anything better!

    I totally missed your coffee cocoa and can’t wait to see more food diaries! Your blog is so amazing, and it gets better every day!

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