Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Tidbits and Treats

Happy Mother’s Day!

There are many incredible “mothers” in my life. Two in particular are brand new mothers (Cara and Lisa, I’m looking at you!) this year. I could not be more excited or happy for them. And so, for all the fabulous mamas out there: Happy Mother’s Day! That said, there is one mother in particular who […]

Tidbits and Treats

On Writing

Happy Saturday! The sun has decided to shine – at least for now – and is giving me the inspiration I need to clean my apartment so that I can get some fresh air exercise. 😉 I have a foodless post for you today, but I could not be more excited to share this news. […]

Tidbits and Treats

Get Thee To The Flea Market!

Hi everyone! A more formal post to come, but in the meantime I want to make you all aware of Mara’s Online Flea Market for Pancreatic Cancer, which is going on now through 9:00 pm this evening! There are a bunch of delicious goodies and awesome items for sale — all for a good cause. […]