Something Worth Listening To

It’s arrived. The final #FebPhotoADay and the end of another month. Happy Leap Year!

Today’s challenge was “something you’re listening to.” I decided that instead of posting about my playlist on Spotify (which I finally got on for the first time and am loving), I would showcase a manifesto I listen to and follow every single day.

Perhaps you’ve already heard of HOLSTEE or seen this image around the web. Its message is clear:

“This is your life. Do what you love and do it often.”

“Life is short. Live your dream, and wear your passion.”

Plus a whole host of other incredible words to inspire. It’s impossible to choose a favorite line!

According to the company website, this message has been shared over 500,000 times and viewed over 60 million times online. It’s original purpose was to help the founders put down on paper what they wanted from life, while also serving as a visual representation of how they planned to create a company that breathes their passion into the world everyday.

I think they achieved their goal brilliantly.

And I couldn’t think of a better way to cap off an unpredictable and exciting 29-day journey. I know taking a photo every day for one month may not be a lofty accomplishment, but it’s an accomplishment nonetheless. Not only that, but I also managed to show myself that with a little dedication and willpower, I can create something to write or post about every day. When was the last time I blogged for 29 days straight? I don’t think that’s happened since my first year of blogging!

I haven’t necessarily committed myself to daily posting in the future. Although the photos gave me something interesting to talk about, I still definitely want the focus of this blog to be on food and writing topics as they come to me. But this challenge was a nice reminder that if you put your mind to something – and post about it to hold yourself accountable – anything can happen.

So cheers to the #FebPhotoADay challenge…and Instagram.

There is a #MarchPhotoADay challenge. Who’s in?

What’s your favorite line from the HOLSTEE Manifesto?



  1. I am definitely joining in for the March photo-a-day challenge! I was a little sad that I was too late to join Feburary’s, so I am anxious to put my camera to work šŸ™‚

  2. Loved all your Feb. photos and I’ll look forward to seeing the March ones! I’ll also be interested to hear more about the new freelance writing project… šŸ™‚

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