Flying by!

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had a great hump day – my how the week is flying by! I had another great day at work. Thanks so much again to everyone for the nice comments!

I woke up a little late this morning – bad idea! I like being able to take my time, and this morning I definitely was not able to do that. I made a quick bowl of Quaker Maple & Brown Sugar instant oatmeal for breakfast with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Not very exciting, but it definitely was quick!

I also gulped down a mug of Coffee Cocoa – and I mean gulped!

I got to work on time (though a looking a bit out of sorts, I will admit!). At around 10:30 this morning, my stomach started grumbling, so I ate a Banana Walnut Gnu bar. It’s been a while since I’ve had these, but I did not forget how good they are!

Lunch today was catered by my work – I have gotten so many free lunches in the past few weeks! I’m a lucky girl 🙂 Today was a bit on the unhealthy side, though: Chicago Deep Dish pizza! Ohhh boy! You know how much I love bread, so you can only imagine how much I like Deep Dish crust!! I managed to limit myself to a small slice, and also had a side salad with a dollop of ranch dressing, and 1/2 of an oatmeal raisin cookie. Not bad, but definitely not my usual lunch! I don’t have a picture of what I specifically ate, but here’s a picture of Chicago Deep Dish, to give you an idea. Note that my piece was tiny compared to this monster!

After lunch I was feeling uncomfortably full (to say the least), so I went for a brief walk. That’s when I found this a small coffee shop called Cafe Descartes. My roomie actually did a story on it for our broadcast class last year, and I knew it had something very intriguing: OATMEAL LATTES!! I decided to come back later for a snack.

In the meantime, I got back to work. But wouldn’t you know that after a few hours, I was hungry again. That pizza sure is good at weighing you down, but not so good at filling you up 👿 So I snacked on a small bag of David’s pumpkin seeds.

Of course, that didn’t mean I didn’t want that oatmeal latte

So I went and got one! It was pretty good – I didn’t finish it because at that point I was truly getting full and I wasn’t really in the mood for that hard coffee taste (hence why I usually douse my coffee in hot chocolate, haha!)

I probably won’t have it again, but it was cool drinking oatmeal out of a coffee cup!

And so ended my Snacky McSnackerson day at work. But then I got home, and Bobby and I had dinner! It was certainly a day of good food! Bobby made us chicken marinated in teriyaki sauce and served on a bed of corn.

It was a delicious, protein-packed meal!

We also had some fresh strawberries on the side:

After dinner I went to the gym, since I clearly didn’t wake up in time to work out this morning 😉 I did 40 minutes on the elliptical and an arm machine workout. I’ve really been missing the gym – I’ve been getting up early and doing pilates or going for a short run, but with work I’ve been so exhausted that I haven’t been feeling like the quality of the workouts is as good. It was good to be back in form tonight

Whew! I kinda like these wrap-up posts. They remind me of journal entries that you write after the day is over. Thanks again to everyone for being so understanding!

I was also tagged today by Caroline from The Broccoli Hut. Post coming soon!!

Sweet dreams 🙂


  1. Oatmeal latte?! I bet it was really exciting to eat oatmeal out of a coffee cup 😀 I’d totally have to recreate that sometimes~I imagine it’d taste good if it was served cold as well!

    And yar definitely let me know when you’re free to do the breakfast challenge again! 😀

    Glad you’re enjoying your job :mrgreen:

  2. VeggieGirl ~ Thanks, you too!

    Jill ~ I work for a PR department – doing media lists, press releases, that sort of stuff so far…and later in the summer we’ll have an intern project that we actually pitch to a client!

    Carmen ~ I definitely will let you know 🙂

    MizFit ~ Actually, the Banana Walnut is really the only one I truly like. The chocolate brownie and cinnamon raisin are ok, but not great. I tried the orange one and I’m just not a fan – though if you like orange zesty flavor, then I would highly recommend it! But yes – I do love Banana Walnut!

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