
Dinner, Lunch, Tidbits and Treats, Wedding

Bridal Bender

Knock, knock! Who’s there? Jenn. Jenn who? Jenn, also known as Bender, who mysteriously disappeared from the blogosphere last week! I apologize for my unexplained absence, but after That Post Where We Talk Wedding Details, I ended up going on a bridal bender. No, not that type of bender. But a bachelorette party was involved. […]

Book Reviews, Breakfast, Dessert, Dinner, Food Journal, Lunch, Reviews, Tidbits and Treats, Trips, Wedding

You’re Up to Bat!

Since I last left you with my sensory ramblings, there are several things that have happened. First, I finished The Time Traveler’s Wife. All of you who gave me a good recommendation were spot on – it was fantastic! The intricacies of the writing and plot line kept me eagerly coming back for more, so […]