Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Tidbits and Treats

5 New Things…

Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my last post. My Portion is definitely one of my favorite segments because it not only gives me the chance to exercise my love for writing, but also gives you the chance to give your two cents on the subject – I really enjoy reading what all […]

My Portion

My Portion: KIPS

I love acronyms. Acronyms come in handy when studying for midterms and finals. They can also be used to create some pretty awesome company names – TCBY, The Country’s Best Yogurt – and help us remember the planets: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos (it’s just not the same without Pluto). In this […]

Tidbits and Treats

5 New Things…

Good evening, lovely readers 🙂 I’ve decided to change the title of this post to “5 New Things…” instead of “5 New Things I Learned” because I’ve realized with the new format that one thing I truly miss is being able to “journal” – not necessarily in the food sense, but in the sense of […]

Tidbits and Treats

5 New Things I Learned Today

As I look back on my Monday, there are 5 things that stand out the most. 1) It’s difficult to pronounce “Jenn” in a way for people to understand… I know that Tina had something similar happen recently. It’s actually pretty common and I completely understand with all the noise going on in the restaurant. […]

Mish Mosh

Mish Mosh: Bisphenol A-Ok?

Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comments in my last post. I really am looking forward to this new format and the possibilities that come with it and am glad to see that you are, too 🙂 So let’s get to it! Introducing: Mish Mosh My summer internship office recently introduced a […]