Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Tidbits and Treats

Update and Reminder

Hey everyone! I’ve got three announcements, so if you have a moment please read on 🙂 Thanks! 1) I’ve noticed since my last post that there have been some new visitors to eating bender! Welcome 🙂 I am so glad that you stopped by and l look forward to seeing you around the blogosphere! 2) […]

Dinner, Lunch, Snacks, Tidbits and Treats

Label Me

I’m so glad that everyone seems to have liked the Blogger Secret Ingredient choice for this week! To answer some of the questions that appeared in the comments… 1) Yes, Mr. Butternut Squash was posing rather seductively on my bed. 2) The submissions are due by the end of the day on Sunday! Glad we […]