I loved hearing what all of you had to say about Insanity and summer workouts. I hope my posts continue to be helpful! Stick around for a video at the end of this post. It’s…sweat-tastic 🙂 What a whirlwind weekend! Tonight (Tuesday) is honestly the first chance I’ve had to sit down and write. I’m […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
How To Make Your Muscles Scream
If someone writes a book about Insanity, I think that’s what it should be called 🙂 My weekend at home was absolutely lovely. Time spent with my family is always, as you know, one of my favorite things to do! I went back on Wednesday last week to watch my brother’s closing ceremony. Some of […]
Coming Soon! {Contest}
Hi everyone! Source Hope you all are enjoying the long weekend and taking some time to celebrate the true meaning of Memorial Day. I have had a very productive weekend at home in Arizona that included a lot of wonderful food. I can’t wait to share it with all of you! My plan is to […]
I’m About to Go Insane
I’ve been a fan of Beachbody for a while now. I received P90X as a gift a year and a half ago and have completed the full program once, along with several attempts at doing it again (not always making it the full 90 days) and regular doses of some of my most favorite workouts […]
Pasta Primavera, Pretty Please
Spring is in the air and that means summer is one season closer. You never really know what you’re going to get here in Chicago – one day it’s humid and 80 degrees, the next it’s damp and 60. But there is one thing you can count on – more opportunities to cook with fresh […]
10K + 6.5 Years + 5 Months = Oh My!
Thanks again for the birthday wishes, everyone! This weekend was quite the trip – and I didn’t even go anywhere 😉 **cue groans and thrown tomatoes** It was a lot of disconnecting from all things electronic and more reconnecting with good friends and a fiance who is starting to wonder whether my computer has been […]
Hellllloooooooo! I am back in Chicago after a fabulous – albeit too short – trip to Arizona. I sincerely appreciated all of the birthday wishes, comments, emails and Facebook love this weekend. It made my 23rd birthday special and caused me to reflect once again on how lucky I am to have this community. Thank […]
Wine Me, Dine Me, Then Take Me To AZ
Why, hello there! I am currently sitting outside in the most beautiful place on Earth: Source It seems like every time I come here, I get some sort of Arizona fever. Looking through some old posts, I noticed that in the past I’ve both expressed my determination to live here someday and apparently have mentioned […]