Hello and happy last hour of Monday 🙂 All of your comments on my Insanity video and recap made me smile. Glad you liked it! I’m currently on week two of month two and definitely have noticed an increase in my appetite as a result of these longer, more vigorous workouts. I thought I would […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
4th Day in July + 4 Weeks of Insanity {Video}
Hello, friends! I missed you this weekend! I spent my weekend up north in Minnesota, completely unplugged from technology and basking in the sunshine off Bay Lake. It was a really great time! Bobby’s cousin has a cabin and everyone gathered there for a weekend of lake activities, everything from kayaking and tubing to board […]
Taste of Chicago
Can you believe today is the second day in July? Bobby and I were talking about time the other day. It seems that when you want it to go fast, it goes slow, and vice versa. There are many things I wish would hurry up and arrive already – October, for one! – but then […]
Sista, Sista! {The Traveling Pans}
Hello, everyone! You all made me smile with your kind words about my food journal post. It’s one of those things where it just hasn’t quite become a “habit” yet, but I am definitely working on it. Thanks also for the GREAT wedding song suggestions, too! Once I get a playlist together, I will post […]
What I Ate Yesterday
In doing some “research” before writing this post, I realized that I haven’t posted an entire day’s worth of eats since…June 2009? I’m sure there was a day here and there, but I honestly can’t remember the last time I REMEMBERED to take pictures of everything I ate in one day. Ever since I graduated […]
PB+J: Papa Bender + Jenn
Today is a very special day for dads everywhere! Here on my blog, my dad is better known as his alter ego – Papa Bender! How fitting that our initials spell PB&J. Or if you really want to get fancy, PB&B for Papa Bender & Bender – or Peanut Butter & Banana 😉 No matter […]
Substitutions {Giveaway}
The middle of June holds many a special holiday. Tomorrow, June 17, is my brother’s 17th birthday – the Golden Year! This Sunday, June 20, is Father’s Day. And today, June 16, is Bobby’s brother and sister-in-law’s anniversary. Cheers to Cara and Jim! It’s also the I-CAN’T-BELIEVE-THERE-ARE-ONLY-FOUR-MONTHS-UNTIL-OCTOBER…day. Minor freak outs aside, I could not be […]
New Kitchen Toy
At my wedding shower last weekend, Bobby’s family discovered that I’m both a foodie and obsessed with kitchen gadgets. Some of them found out after I talked about my blog – if you’re reading, hello! – and others realized my obsession after they saw how giddy I became over our new kitchen toys! This past […]