Pour yourself a mug of Coffee Cocoa and settle down, friends. It’s time for a story! Once upon a time, there was a 20-year-old girl working as a nutrition department clerk at a grocery store in Scottsdale, Arizona. During the summer before her junior year of college, she spent six hour shifts replenishing the shelves […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
What a week! I am officially back in the swing of things after a few days of R&R in Arizona. There is nothing quite as rejuvenating for me as a trip to the Southwest in the springtime. The weather was absolutely spectacular last week and even though I am now back in Chicago, I feel […]
Just Answer Me This
If you could be somebody else for a day, who would you be and what would you do? This may seem like an odd question to ask on a food blog, but I promise it will all make sense in my next post. Can’t wait to hear your responses. There is no limitation to what […]
Baby {Girl} Fever!
I am about to be surrounded by four new females in my family – and I could not be more excited! No, the bear does not count as one of said females. She is just a bonus. 🙂 Both of my new sisters-in-law are pregnant with girls (one is having twins!) who are due in […]
Better Late Than Never: October 16, 2010 {Reception}
Holy bananas this post is overdue. But the good news is that now I get to relive one of the best nights of my life, five months later. Now where did we last leave off…? Oh yes. Paradise. Following the ceremony and the pictures, we made our way to the reception venue at the Cochise-Geronimo […]
Why March First Is Epic To Me
It’s hard to believe that today is March 1, 2011. This time two years ago, I was still in college, dreaming of Paris and worrying about winter quarter finals. The most stressful thing in my life (and definitely no small stress) was that I would not find a full-time job with a public relations firm […]
Hustle Up the Hancock
…and what a hustle it was! A big thank you to everyone who provided tips, advice and well wishes on yesterday’s post. Our journey up 94 stories was truly an adventure, and I’m happy to say that not only did we make it – we can’t wait to do it again! We arrived at Hustle […]
What Was I Thinking?
Today I am going to be running as fast as I can up this 100-story structure. That’s right. I am hustling. Up the Hancock. For charity, which is about the only sane part! What was I thinking? 😉 I think I was thinking it would be a lot of fun and I’m sure by the […]