Happy weekend! Hope yours is off to a fun start. Bobby is currently taking the Level II CFA exam, an event he has been preparing for diligently since February. I have no doubt that we will rock the test but if you could send some good luck vibes his way, I’m sure he would be […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
Memorable Meals: Risotto-A-Go-Go
Sometimes, the best laid plans for a new recipe don’t run as smoothly as you wish they would. This was not one of those times. I’ve never met a risotto I didn’t like. I love eating it in restaurants. We even served it at our wedding. But I had never tried making it myself at […]
Memorable Meals: Part One
Happy Memorial Day! I hope you had a wonderful long weekend celebrating with friends and family, as well as honoring those who serve our country. In Chicago, we enjoyed one glorious day of sunshine and warmth. Finally. Happy to be hanging with my hubby. 🙂 Jill invited us over for a wonderful brunch this morning […]
Dinner With A Friend + Oprah
One of the many lessons that Jill and I have learned along this crazy entrepreneurial journey so far is that it is important for us to spend time together as friends instead of as business partners. The lines are easily blurred in our case, since we treat each other with the same amount of respect […]
Tastefully Simple
It’s been a beautiful weekend in Chicago! The very first hints of summer I’ve been in town to witness. I’ve been at the NRA Show (that’s restaurant, not rifle) this weekend working at the Flatout Bread booth, but have been able to take some time to savor a bit of fresh air…and eat some delicious […]
Burger Fail. Turkey Success.
During the month of May, Bobby and I have been attempting to make more of an effort to branch out and try new recipes. Although our schedules have been insane, we have had a few opportunities to make our goal a reality. One such occasion was last week, when we tried our hand at turkey […]
A Wicked Awesome Weekend
I’m back…from Beantown! This past weekend, Jill and I traveled to Boston to participate in Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle conference. We arrived on Thursday and stayed through Sunday, with a lot of exploring along the way. For more details on our conference experience, you can check out my Pursuing Our Passion or DreamChamps blog. […]
Birthday Bonanza!
Hello from the 25th year! The idea of celebrating the “year” rather than the “age” comes from a longstanding joke in my family. When my mom turned 49, Papa Bender gave my brother and me the idea to congratulate her on celebrating her 50th year. I am sure you can imagine how well that one […]