Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Tidbits and Treats

On This Day In 2009

Facebook has always been very interesting to me. Its privacy settings are constantly up for public scrutiny. New apps and features are being added every day that make you feel like Big Brother or Big Sister is watching. One feature in particular has caught my eye lately, and while at first I was unsure how […]

Tidbits and Treats


Thank you. Yesterday’s post and the incredible comments that followed — you should definitely check them out if you haven’t already — helped me realize three important things: Passionate posts can only be written by passionate people. Otherwise, content seems forced. We read blogs because of the writer(s) behind them more so than the subject […]

Tidbits and Treats

I Need Your Advice

Dear Amazingly Fantastic Eating Bender Readers, I need your advice. Over the past few months, I’ve felt a little lost with my blog. Don’t get me wrong, I still love every post I write and enjoy the fact that I am not tied to any one topic on any given day. But there is a […]