The last time I saw Mara was back in June when the Traveling Pans took on Chicago neighborhoods. As if that weren’t long enough, the last time Mara and I had a proper multiple location, multiple city foodie date was way back in April 2009. Clearly, we were way overdue, and this weekend we set […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
Book Review: Atonement by Ian McEwan
There isn’t much of a pattern with the books I read. One minute I’ll be engrossed in young adult dystopia, the next I’ll be pinning every book by Emily Giffin. I am generally open to all genres, perspectives and subject matter. There are books that are perfect pick-me-ups, ones that I may not think twice […]
On Wisconsin + Happy Endings
Happy Fall!! Today marks the official first day of the new season which, as you know, I’m a big fan of for its cooler weather, delicious food and FOOTBALL. That said, it was a rather exciting final few days of summer. I’m glad you all enjoyed my lighthearted post on being scared out of my […]
The Fear Factor
Oh ‘ello. Just popped by to say that currently, I am terrified. Scared out of my mind. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I felt so vulnerable. Why? There is a 100-page, 1.5-spaced manuscript idling between my husband’s lap and his hands while he reads. He, by the way, is wearing a pair […]
Tying The Knot: Emily + Bob
Last weekend, Bobby and I attended a beautiful wedding. His co-worker, Bob, officially tied the knot with his new wife Emily, and the two of them looked blissfully happy as they shared their first dance. We had a fantastic time at the ceremony and the reception that followed, both at Spiaggia, a gorgeous restaurant and […]
The Birthday Boy, Take Three
It’s hard to believe, but my husband is officially a quarter of a century old. Tonight, we celebrated Bobby’s 25th birthday with our third annual trip to McCormick & Schmick’s. You can read about our previous adventures at the links below: The Birthday Boy Named Karen The Birthday Boy No Longer Named Karen I recently […]
We Will Never Forget
Source The bell rang, signaling the end of my first period Intro to Art class. It was freshman year of high school, and as I stood to leave I realized our teacher had turned on the television. On the screen was an image of the Pentagon, with words conveying that a plane had crashed into […]
Sick Sickly + Writing Goals Down
Can you guess the 90s reference in the post title? I’ll give you a hint: he’s missing a “t.” Unfortunately, I am currently drinking a lot of extra tea as I work through an unexpected cold. It culminated in a rough night’s sleep, but knock on wood, I think I am officially better this morning. […]