Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Dinner, Tidbits and Treats

Dinner + A Movie

I’m currently blogging from a wi-fi zone in my building. It’s wonderful that they have it, but not quite so wonderful that our wireless has been down since Friday. What started as an apartment-wide issue transformed into a apartment-specific issue as of Monday morning, and the technician can’t come out until Wednesday. It wouldn’t be […]

Dessert, Dinner, Tidbits and Treats

I Miss…

I mean, really. Who wouldn’t miss this smile, and the laugh that comes along with it? I am finally back in Chicago after a wonderful (almost) two weeks with family. As always, it was bittersweet to say goodbye to Arizona, wildlife and sunsets included. I miss it already. We enjoyed some delicious meals during the […]

Breakfast, Tidbits and Treats

Sayonara, 2011

Happy New Year’s Eve! Even though my Northwestern Wildcats lost to the Texas A&M Aggies (final score 33-22, with an attempted 4th quarter comeback), we are still all smiles in Arizona on the last day of 2011. The delicious blueberry Belgian waffles made by Mama Bender might have something to do with it. But beyond […]

Tidbits and Treats, Writing

My First Rejection Letter

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it…Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” ~ Mark Jenkins Source It was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Thank you so much […]