There are a lot of causes I feel passionate about, but this one in particular strikes a personal chord. Today is the day to pledge and be heard. Spread the Word to End the Word is out there raising awareness about the use of the R-word, and how it needs to stop. We all know […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
Smile: You Never Know Who Might Be Watching
SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! SMILE! Source I know I said I’d be posting my #MarchPhotoADay pictures weekly this month, but yesterday’s photo had a story behind it that I thought would be fun to share. The challenge for the day was “smile,” and this goofy picture immediately came to mind. […]
Why I Love Living In The Big City
You all know how much I love Arizona. What I don’t often mention – because I take it for granted – is how much I love living in downtown Chicago. I am not a big city girl by nature. My personality lends itself to quieter, smaller towns, and that is certainly where Bobby and I […]
Slurping Turtle
I know you should never judge a book by its cover, and the same should be said for restaurants. That said, I’m guilty of both. So it came as no surprise that when the opportunity to try Slurping Turtle came my way, I couldn’t say no. The name, the logo…how could I resist? Slurping Turtle […]
Something Worth Listening To
It’s arrived. The final #FebPhotoADay and the end of another month. Happy Leap Year! Today’s challenge was “something you’re listening to.” I decided that instead of posting about my playlist on Spotify (which I finally got on for the first time and am loving), I would showcase a manifesto I listen to and follow every […]
This Little Piggy
**Non-food post ahead. Though admittedly there will still be plenty talk of greens.** Let’s talk money. After all, it’s the subject of today’s #FebPhotoADay. Although the above piggy bank is mainly used for spare change and random one-dollar coins, it’s also the ubiquitous symbol for saving. [History lesson: The name originated from “pygg,” a type […]
It’s hard to believe there are only two days and two photos left in #FebPhotoADay after this post. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge! Fat Mum Slim has recently announced a #MarchPhotoADay project in case you’re interested in joining up. Today’s photo was of something I ate, which makes it all the more appealing for this […]
Every Day I’m Hustlin’
I hope LMFAO won’t mind that I altered their Party Rock Anthem a bit. I had a good reason: I was in need of a song to motivate me to climb 94 flights of stairs at this year’s Hustle Up the Hancock! We arrived at the John Hancock Center a little before 11:00 a.m. to […]