Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Breakfast, Reviews, Tidbits and Treats

Bamboo Bottle + Tea Talk

Happy Hump Day! 🙂 Yesterday was pretty exciting over here. My quinoa-stuffed roasted green peppers were featured in SHAPE Magazine’s 10 Tasty Green Foods for St. Patty’s Day! You can view the whole tasty slideshow here. I’m honored to be among such great company, including fellow bloggers Brittany and Katie. My company, DreamChamps, also received […]

Breakfast, Dinner, Tidbits and Treats

A to Z.

You may have seen Janetha’s survey circulating around the blogosphere. It’s very creative and I thought it would be a fun one to fill out, so here goes! A is for age: 24, but I will be turning 25 in May. Hard to believe it has been nearly three years since I graduated from college. […]