As is usual when I go home to Arizona, both Papa and Mama Bender pulled out all the stops for some delicious homemade meals. I like to think that my being there has some influence on their menu selections, but in reality they are just great chefs. First up, Mama Bender made homemade French onion […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
Book Interview: A Life Told From The Cloud by Kyle Rutkin
Hello there! Thank you for all the kind comments on my brother’s graduation. I can’t wait to fill you in on the rest of our Memorial Day weekend, but first I have another fun post to share with you! A couple of months ago, I spoke with Kyle Rutkin about his four lessons in book […]
ConGRADulations, Eric!
Yesterday was an incredibly important milestone in my “little” brother’s life. Eric is now a proud high school graduate! If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that this is a big deal for both him and our family. The rules for special education vary by state, but in many cases special […]
Book Review: Sister by Rosamund Lupton
Thanks for all the great warm weather running tips on my last post! I’m feeling a lot more confident now. The good news is that I am in Arizona for my next long run this weekend, which promises to provide ample opportunity to test everything out! More on why I’m here in my next post. […]
Eat For Cheap + Beat The Heat
The NATO Summit is coming to a close today, and Chicago seemed to fare pretty well. We spent much of our weekend at home as planned, making exceptions for training runs and the chance to spend some time in the sunshine. On Friday night that included a walk to Whole Foods, where we found grass-fed […]
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish…
I couldn’t resist the Dr. Seuss reference. It had been far too long since I had last seen Mara. November, in fact. We’ve tried numerous times to get together but somehow the 30 miles between us just kept getting in the way. Last night, we decided to change that by meeting halfway for dinner at […]
Avenge Is Sweet
I can’t believe it’s Thursday already! I’m gearing up for an insanely busy weekend that consists of staying in my apartment most of the time. What’s that? You think that’s an oxymoron? Well, I’m not so sure I will be able to just walk around my neighborhood… Source The NATO Summit is here. Don’t get […]
It Takes Two To Tango Sur
Pretty much anyone you ask who has been to Tango Sur raves about the food and laments over the long waits (“but it’s worth it!”). An Argentinian BYOB known throughout Chicago, people come from all over the city at all hours of the weekend to try their amazing dishes – and drink plenty of wine. […]