Author: Jenn (eating bender)

Tidbits and Treats

A Good Year

It’s hard to believe we’ve reached the end of 2012. I’m usually all about the reflection and goal-setting posts this time of year, but unfortunately a mean stomach bug has left me favoring a warm bed and ginger ale over my 2013 planner and notepads. One thing I can say without looking back through posts […]

Lunch, Tidbits and Treats

All Is Calm, All Is Bright

The holiday spirit continued for us over the weekend, as we decked the outside of the house with Christmas cheer. Our neighborhood has some incredible light displays – including one house who went all out with decorations everywhere – and so we were inspired to create our own unique assortment of tree lights, icicles, snowflakes […]

Dinner, Tidbits and Treats

Nine Is Fine

Things are starting to come together around here. We’ve had an exciting week of furniture delivery – since I took that “part-time job” as Craigslist poster back in September – and after one particularly amusing scene where Mama Bender and I somehow managed to hoist a mattress up the stairs (those things are heavier than […]

Tidbits and Treats

An Air Heart Auction

Thank you all SO much for the kind comments on our house (and kitchen)! Bobby and I have enjoyed reading every single one of them and your support, as always, means the world to both of us. Speaking of support, I am excited to share a guest post today from a truly inspiring and wonderful […]