First day of the Breakfast Challenge = complete! I have to admit, I got a little caught up in all my papers so I forgot to photograph one of my meals (oops!) – but for the record, it was very breakfast-y: toast with PB, some berries, a banana and some dried pineapple – YUM! I’m […]
Author: Jenn (eating bender)
Breakfast Challenge: Day 1
Hello everyone! I apologize for being so consistently sporadic (hehe, I love a good oxymoron). But today is super exciting, as it is the first day of my Breakfast Challenge with Carmen from The Oatmeal Experiment! And what better way to start the day than with a batch of Ebleskiver pancakes?! I first talked about […]
It’s Friday, hurray!
It’s Friday and that means no classes! That would usually bring on a feeling of excitement, but today it’s more like relief – relief because I have time to work on my papers! Hurray!! 😉 There was some excitement around here though – my breakfast! Breakfast this morning was cold cereal – a serving each […]
Hello everyone! It’s been another crazy busy day so unfortunately, that leaves me with little time to post. But I can never be away from the blogosphere for too long, and I wanted to contribute something, so it’s time for another round of health news links that I hope you will find interesting. Enjoy This […]
I love home.
I love home. This weekend was just what I needed – we celebrated my birthday and my parent’s 27th anniversary, and I was able to play some golf and take a much needed break from school. I have just two weeks left, and in that time I have 2 tests, 2 presentations, and 3 papers […]
I’m it? Why, thank you!
Thanks to Erica and Monica for tagging me This game reminds me of those fun emails I used to fill out where my friend would send me 20 questions with her answers and I’d have to answer them and send them to other people – does anyone know what I’m talking about? Here are the […]
Home Sweet Home!
I am officially home for the holiday weekend! I’m so happy to be here and I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with my family! I will do my best to post here and there because there should be some definite yummy eats. So until next time – I hope everyone has a Happy […]
Ebleskiver, how I love you.
So I’ve spent a good 3 minutes trying to find the perfect way to describe my Ebleskiver pancakes. In those 3 minutes, I have found that there are just no words. They are too good to be true. Honestly…I’m “typeless” – get it? Since you can’t actually hear me speak…I’m not speechless…but typeless… (I think […]