Happy Valentine’s Day!

I can’t help but post this picture. It’s my very favorite.

Hope that you all have a wonderful Monday! Find something to smile about whether it’s the snow melting (thank you), a particularly good workout or an extremely delicious piece of dark chocolate. 🙂

Bobby and I will be eating at one of our favorite restaurants tonight. I hope it involves cake.

Happy 1st Valentine’s Day to my husband… (Wow, that still feels strange and amazing to say.)

…and happy 8th Valentine’s Day to the love of my life!

Dorks from day one. :mrgreen:

Last but not least, Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my readers, whom I love and appreciate more and more every day! Thank you for being you.

Are you celebrating Valentine’s Day (or have you already)? If not, are you planning any fun Anti-Valentine’s Day celebrations?



  1. happy valenetine’s day to you too Mrs. Bender! CUTE pictures 😉 Josh and I mini celebrated yesterday and will mini celebrate again tonight! Good food and time with the love of my life is all I need!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day! I love that first picture 🙂

    We had a special breakfast today: dark chocolate chip pancakes (my best EVER!) with raspberry sauce. and I’ll be making his dinner request tonight, which is sloppy joes. Oh, the things we do for love 🙂

    • You’ve got the dark chocolate done already, eh? That’s amazing – and I really want some pancakes of my own now! Love that you are making sloppy Joes tonight, too. 🙂 Have fun!

  3. Wildfire is easily one of my husbands and my favorite restaurants. From the chopped salad to the keylime pie you just can’t go wrong!

    Have fun!

  4. Awe, you two are so cute! Chris and I aren’t really doing anything special for today, but as I told my mom, that’s because we treat every day like it’s Valentine’s Day ;).

  5. LOVE that pic of you two! It’s gorgeous! And I dig the pic of you two from eight years ago too, how cute is that? Hope you two hav ea blast tonight!

  6. That picture is seriously amazing, I don’t blame you!
    My boyfriend is long distance, but I got to spend the weekend with him in Florida. That was my Vday celebration, so tonight will be low-key Bachelor watching night!

  7. SO SO cute!! LOVE u two Jenn!! Too bad all the guys i went to dances with in HS are complete weirdos, so we won’t be getting married anytime soon and have cute hs pics to share 😀 hahah!

    It’s not anti, but my girlfriend and I are going to take kickboxing, then get some wine and delish food from a place on our street, perrfecttttt V-day to me!! xoxo have fun tonight

  8. No vday plans for me, but I LOVED reading your story!! I love all of these lover stories going around the blogosphere:) Have a great Valentines day!!

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