Time flies, huh? I took a few days off from blogging and now here we are at Wednesday already. How have you been? There’s a good reason, I assure you, but I am glad to be back
I appreciated all of the honeymoon destination tips I received on my previous post. You have all convinced me that Europe is the way to go and we are leaning toward Italy (but not necessarily the Tower of Pisa). Tough choice because a few of you suggested Spain over Italy, but we’re going to do a bit more research on costs, locations, etc. before making the final decision. I just feel very fortunate to have this opportunity!
This weekend was spooky, indeed. It started off with a trip up to my alma mater for the Northwestern v. Penn State game. Everything was going so well — until half time. I don’t want to hear it, Erica! We ended up getting creamed, but Bobby and I did score some awesome foam claws
Following the game, I went a little further north to visit my friend in the suburbs. We wanted to go apple picking but the orchard we had selected turned out to be closed down Instead, we took a beautiful walk around the trails near her house. It was a wonderful way to celebrate fall.
It felt so peaceful, like we were the only ones out there! That’s probably true anyway, but it was nice.
Can you count the tree rings? I think it’s at least over 30 years old
I also had the chance to try out my Cory Everson Yoga Sticky Mat from Erica’s giveaway.
It worked pretty well! Toward the end my hands were slipping so I put on weight gloves, which is a neat trick that I’ve found makes a huge difference. Don’t mind my messy apartment background as I pose in Warrior II for you all Did I mention that I’m really enjoying this yoga kick? I looked at pictures on Google and decided my chest needs to be turned a bit more, but I’ll give myself a compliment and say that I think this looks pretty good for a beginner. We could all stand to compliment ourselves more, right?
Moving right along with the randomness of this post, I would like to end by showing you what I used to refuel after my most recent yoga session. Thanks to the people at Vega, I received a sample of their new sport “performance optimizer” powder in the mail recently.
I chose the acai-berry flavor, which boasts a plant-based ingredient list including coconut oil, kombucha, yerba mate, green tea and many more that they claim will help boost athletic performance. Now, I’m not an “athlete” by any stretch of the imagination, but I do enjoy my exercise and thought it was about time to bring back an edition of Bender’s Blenders.
Wine in the background is optional Here are the ingredients I used:
- 3/4 cup orange juice
- 1 scoop Vega Sport
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 3/4 cup frozen blueberries
- 5-10 ice cubes (depending on desired thickness)
I’ve seen on some other blogs that the powder mixed by itself with water isn’t that great. However, I loved adding it to my smoothie because you could barely taste it – the hint of flavor from the acai-berry was the only part I could taste and it was not chalky at all. It made for a refreshing post-workout snack and I am already a big fan of Vega, so this is just another great product to add to the list. I would probably purchase it on my own again once I run out.
The only thing that surprised me was that it doesn’t actually have any protein in it. I would have thought being a sport powder that there would be some in there, but perhaps they know something I don’t. Does anyone have any perspective on why this would be? Just curious!
Nutrition Information (1 serving):
- 260 calories
- 1g fat
- 62g carbohydrates
- 6g fiber
- 3g protein
I’m looking forward to checking in around the blogosphere tonight! I have been pretty out of the loop so I’m excited to see what you’ve been up to.
I’ve seen the Vega powder all over and have wanted to try it. I had no idea there was no protein in it!
Ooh Italy, romantic!! How fun! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend.
glad the plans are coming along
most of the fun is in the planning and deciding what to do and where to go!
YYYES!! Italy is so magical – it’ll be the perfection location for you guys, trust me
wahooo I got not one but two shout outs! Glad you guys had fun at the game and with your friends. Looks SO pretty up there. Also, happy to hear you’re enjoying the mat. I think you look very professional ;).
thats so exciting about your honeymoon plans
glad you are enjoying yoga!
Oooh, Italy would be lovely
I highly recommend Florence, but have never been to Spain, so I couldn’t compare! Have you thought about Paris? SUCH a romantic city. Matt and I did a dinner cruise along the Seine there before we got married, and it is honestly in the Top 5 moments of my life. It was an amazing experience!
You and Bobby are just about the cutest. You are giving Ari and Katie a run for my “Cutest Blog Couple” title.
That IS surprising about the sport Vega powder! I’m hesitant to add any powder to my smoothies that DOESN’T have protein. What’s the point?
We talked about doing a Europe trip for our honeymoon, but since it would be winter, we planned a beachy one instead. We’ll do Europe in the summer sometime!
I miss you!
Yay Bender’s Blenders are back
I just figured that the Vega sport powder was supposed to be a more natural Gatorade-esque sport powder. The claim for it being a recovery drink though really does get me, because you need some protein for good recovery.
Not 100% sure, but I think since there are already Vega protein powders, this product was made specifically for electrolytes as an alternative to a lot of the “-ades” out there. Someone correct me if I’m wrong!
That scenic trail is BEAUTIFUL.
I highly recommend Italy over Spain – I did love Spain when I was there, but just love Italy
And the food is beyond amazing. I recommend spending some time in Tuscany.
The Mister and I wanted to do Europe for our honeymoon, but ended up going Bahamas (he wanted some place tropical and somewhere we BOTH hadn’t been and I had already been to Eurpoe a few times)
We hope to go to Eurpoe for our 5 year anniverary! Which is less than two years away! Where does time go?!
Happy to hear you had a good weekend! Your woodsy walk and the game look like a great weekend day.
Kudos on the warrior II–looks great to me! I’m so glad that yoga is treating you well. I find it so relaxing!
Have an awesome day Jenn
I love your cactus plant! It is a cactus right? : )
Stacy ~ Yes it is! A very funny looking cactus from my grandpa
I haven’t tried Vega drinks yet but I need to. Looks delish
missed youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. <3
Europe would be so amazing!! You lucky, engaged girl….livin’ the life
Would love a “day in the life” post…your eats are always so cozy and delicious during the colder seasons! Thats when I started reading food blogs! I need my cocoa coffee and egg scramble fix! hahaha….i know that you’re a busy girl though. Have a great day Jenn!!
Jessica ~ Oh and I SO want to! You got it, sista
Italy is amazing. I hope that’s where you decide to go!
Those pictures of your walk are so beautiful! I just love fall
My brother and his gf got back from Italy earlier this year and they’re more in love now when they left, I think! It’s the cheese and wine
both italy and spain are great choices. but italy is definitely more romantic and spain is a little more of a party. but u really can’t go wrong with either choice!
haha OOHH JEN BEN i’ve missed u!! I was LOLing bc the title of my post where we met up was called, “They DO exist!” haha totally jacked from the xmas m & m commercial ;D Love it. I’ve only been abroad to Spain- madrid, salamanca, segovia, cordoba…and it is soooooo soooooo soooooo beautiful! You can’t go wrong anywhere u go, it is so delicious and full of culture and history! Good luck choosing love!
That place looks beautiful!
missed you friend!
love the warrior 2 pose
i think the reason the vega powder doesn’t have protein is because it’s a pre-workout drink. it’s basically a carb bomb for pre-workout energy and then after your workout is when you’ll need some protein.
have a wonderful day!
That trail is beautiful!!!
Lovely fall pictures! Thanks for the weighted glove idea too
ITALY! ITALY! ITALY!!! Seriously you HAVE to go – Venice is one of the most romantic cities I’ve been to (and I’ve been to Paris, blah!). If you guys don’t go, you and I will go on vaca because I’m in love with that country!
Excellent Warrior II pose, my dear!! I got your email, sorry I haven’t sat down to write you back yet – I will!
HMM that vega powder has been scaring me, but I am curious now! I have never been to Europe so they all sound amazing to me! Good luck and make a choice good for you not necessarily because it’s cheaper. You only get one honeymoon.
Like you Yoga Pose !
that drink looks really healthy – purple is my fav color!
Go to Italy. We went on a Mediterranean/European Cruise for our honeymoon and we really enjoyed Italy.
I love the picture of that trail. That is simply beautiful.
My hubby and I are planning our European trip as a second honeymoon. (first one was a little bit of a bust so we need to redo it before its too late)
We are actually doing a 9 day cruise that hits Italy, Greece, Turkey and Spain….this way, we have the best of everything and a taste of so many places we have ALWAYS wanted to see. It’s perfect!
Good luck on planning this. Whatever you guys decide, make sure its amazing because your honeymoon is the best time of your life!
Lauren ~ Thanks! Good luck planning your second honeymoon
I’ve thought about doing a cruise before — that sounds like so much fun!
I haven’t blogged in a week and I feel SO out of the loop! Life is just crazy right now!
Keep us updated on honeymoon ideas!
I think maybe the reason there isn’t added protein is because the Vega Sport Optimizer is meant to be consumed pre-workout (although the container says pre- or post-), and Vega ahs another line of protein powders.
I’m so excited for you to go to Italy!! Maybe a Vlog will be in order?
I think maybe the reason there isn’t added protein is because the Vega Sport Optimizer is meant to be consumed pre-workout (although the container says pre- or post-), and Vega ahs another line of protein powders.
I’m so excited for you to go to Italy! Maybe a Vlog will be in order?
Spain and Italy are the two places I most want to go in Europe. I would say Italy over Spain first though!!
So glad you’re back!
I’ve never been to Spain, however I can attest that Italy was amazing. I stayed in Florence for a week and wanted to move there! It’s lovely and would be so romantic for a honeymoon spot!
Hmm what a bummer that Vega sport doesn’t have any protein–that’s the primary reason I use powders like that.
That forest looks so beautiful! The epitome of fall
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I love being out in nature!! Being from northern MN I have nature in my blood!